Unique Minotaur Names: Top 273 Picks for Your Mythical Beast

Unleash the labyrinth dweller in your stories with our collection of over 70 distinctive Minotaur names! Step into the maze of mythology and fantasy, and encounter these fascinating creatures that stand tall at the intersection of man and beast.

Whether you’re an author, a gamer, or a mythological enthusiast, these Minotaur names will fuel your imagination and bring your narratives to life.

Interesting Facts About Minotaurs:

  • The Minotaur is a legendary creature from Greek mythology with the head of a bull and the body of a man. This compelling mix of man and beast symbolizes raw power and primal fear.
  • The name ‘Minotaur’ derives from the Ancient Greek words ‘Minos’, a legendary king of Crete, and ‘Taurus’, meaning bull. Thus, the Minotaur is literally the ‘Bull of Minos’.
  • The Minotaur lived in the heart of the Labyrinth, a massive maze designed by the architect Daedalus, commissioned by King Minos to contain the beast.

Choosing A Name For Your Minotaur

Choosing a name for your Minotaur is a thrilling quest. Remember, these creatures encapsulate both human intellect and raw, bestial power. A good Minotaur name should reflect this duality. Draw inspiration from Greek mythology, ancient cultures, or words that evoke power and mystery. Also consider the character traits of your Minotaur. Is it a fierce warrior, a wise elder, or perhaps a misunderstood outcast? The choice is a labyrinth of its own, but hopefully, our extensive list of Minotaur names will guide you to the heart of it.

Minotaur Names

Embark on the journey of naming your Minotaur, an epic beast of mythology, reflecting both human intellect and raw power. Here are 25 names to ignite your imagination.

  1. Leonidas – “Son of the Lion” (Greek)
  2. Straton – “Army” (Greek)
  3. Aeson – “Healer” (Greek)
  4. Krios – “Ram” (Greek)
  5. Orion – “Rising in the Sky” (Greek)
  6. Hyperion – “The High-One” (Greek)
  7. Perseus – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  8. Leucus – “White, Bright” (Greek)
  9. Typhon – “Monster, Storm” (Greek)
  10. Porthos – “The Powerful” (French, from The Three Musketeers)
  11. Taurogen – “Born of a Bull” (Invented)
  12. Harion – “Charioteer” (Greek)
  13. Drakon – “Dragon, Serpent” (Greek)
  14. Eosphorus – “Dawn Bringer” (Greek)
  15. Phobetor – “Frightening” (Greek)
  16. Kaidon – “Warrior” (Invented)
  17. Pelion – “Muddy” (Greek, a mountain in Greek mythology)
  18. Xantheus – “Golden-haired” (Greek)
  19. Arkhon – “Ruler” (Greek)
  20. Daimon – “Divine Power” (Greek)
  21. Nestor – “Homecoming” (Greek)
  22. Iapetus – “Piercer” (Greek)
  23. Helios – “Sun” (Greek)
  24. Chrysus – “Golden” (Greek)
  25. Pantheon – “Of all Gods” (Greek)
  26. Endymion – “To Enter” (Greek)
  27. Callisto – “Most Beautiful” (Greek)
  28. Orion – “Boundary, Limit” (Greek)
  29. Prometheus – “Forethought” (Greek)

The Minotaur In Greek Mythology

Meet the Minotaur, the unforgettable bull-headed beast of Greek mythology, an enduring symbol of raw power and primal fear. Now, let’s delve into the labyrinth of names that reflect such a legendary creature.

  1. Taurodon – “King of Bulls” (Greek)
  2. Labrys – “The Double Axe” (Greek, symbolic to labyrinth)
  3. Minozor – “Power of Minos” (Greek)
  4. Brutius – “Heavy, Brutal” (Latin)
  5. Torovon – “The Bull Lord” (Invented)
  6. Argestes – “Clearing Sky” (Greek)
  7. Keravnos – “Thunderbolt” (Greek)
  8. Asterion – “Starry” (Greek, original name of the Minotaur)
  9. Metistor – “Defender, Protector” (Invented)
  10. Alcaeus – “Strong” (Greek)
  11. Aegaeon – “Stormy One” (Greek)
  12. Zephyrus – “West Wind” (Greek)
  13. Krateos – “Powerful” (Greek)
  14. Kyrillos – “Lordly” (Greek)
  15. Heliogabalus – “Sun Mountain” (Latin)
  16. Caelius – “Heaven” (Latin)
  17. Argus – “Bright” (Greek)
  18. Kassander – “Defender of Men” (Greek)
  19. Ouranos – “Sky, Heaven” (Greek)
  20. Leander – “Lion Man” (Greek)

Dnd Minotaur Names

Venture deep into the world of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD), where Minotaurs are famed as mighty warriors and relentless adversaries. Here are 20 names that echo through the mysterious dungeons and grand cities of the DnD multiverse.

  1. Kothar – “Skilled One” (Phoenician, deity in the DnD world)
  2. Baphomet – “Sabbatic Goat” (Hebrew/Arabic, demon lord in DnD)
  3. Kazgaroth – “Bearer of Destruction” (Invented, from DnD mythology)
  4. Drakar – “Dragon” (Scandinavian, potential Minotaur name in DnD)
  5. Gorg – “Fierce” (Invented, from DnD game Clash of Clans)
  6. Torog – “The King that Crawls” (Invented, god in DnD)
  7. Orilam – “Warrior Supreme” (Invented, a Minotaur hero in DnD)
  8. Urrok – “The Breaker” (Invented, a Minotaur chieftain in DnD)
  9. Cretan – “From Crete” (Greek, DnD character inspired by Greek Minotaur)
  10. Hrothgar – “Glory Spear” (Old Norse, used in DnD, from Beowulf)
  11. Gorehorn – “Fierce Horn” (Invented, from the game Magic: The Gathering)
  12. Kragma – “Hill” (Greek, from Magic: The Gathering)
  13. Bovitauride – “Bull Monster” (Latin/Invented, from Dungeons and Dragons)
  14. Zokan – “Sword Master” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  15. Tarusk – “Tusk of the Bull” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  16. Vortuk – “Mighty Battle Horn” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  17. Rangor – “Raging Bull” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  18. Maugrim – “Grim Bear” (Invented, from Narnia series, used in DnD)
  19. Malar – “The Beastlord” (Invented, deity in the DnD world)
  20. Mordenkainen – “Mage of Magnitude” (Invented, famous mage in DnD)

Male D&D Minotaur Names

Embark on an epic adventure in the legendary world of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD), where male Minotaurs stand tall as stalwart heroes or formidable foes. Here are 20 names that can define the strength and honor of your male Minotaur character.

  1. Kothar – “Skilled One” (Phoenician, deity in the DnD world)
  2. Baphomet – “Sabbatic Goat” (Hebrew/Arabic, demon lord in DnD)
  3. Kazgaroth – “Bearer of Destruction” (Invented, from DnD mythology)
  4. Drakar – “Dragon” (Scandinavian, potential Minotaur name in DnD)
  5. Gorg – “Fierce” (Invented, from DnD game Clash of Clans)
  6. Torog – “The King that Crawls” (Invented, god in DnD)
  7. Orilam – “Warrior Supreme” (Invented, a Minotaur hero in DnD)
  8. Urrok – “The Breaker” (Invented, a Minotaur chieftain in DnD)
  9. Cretan – “From Crete” (Greek, DnD character inspired by Greek Minotaur)
  10. Hrothgar – “Glory Spear” (Old Norse, used in DnD, from Beowulf)
  11. Gorehorn – “Fierce Horn” (Invented, from the game Magic: The Gathering)
  12. Kragma – “Hill” (Greek, from Magic: The Gathering)
  13. Bovitauride – “Bull Monster” (Latin/Invented, from Dungeons and Dragons)
  14. Zokan – “Sword Master” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  15. Tarusk – “Tusk of the Bull” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  16. Vortuk – “Mighty Battle Horn” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  17. Rangor – “Raging Bull” (Invented, a Minotaur character in DnD)
  18. Maugrim – “Grim Bear” (Invented, from Narnia series, used in DnD)
  19. Malar – “The Beastlord” (Invented, deity in the DnD world)
  20. Mordenkainen – “Mage of Magnitude” (Invented, famous mage in DnD)

Female D&D Minotaur Names

Step into the mystical world of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD), where female Minotaurs emerge as fearless warriors, skilled magic-users, or cunning rogues. Here are 30 names that can reflect the power and grace of your female Minotaur character.

  1. Aella – “Whirlwind” (Greek, Amazon warrior in Greek mythology)
  2. Orinthia – “To excite, stir” (Greek, potential Minotaur name in DnD)
  3. Bellatrix – “Female Warrior” (Latin, from Harry Potter series, used in DnD)
  4. Kallisto – “Most Beautiful” (Greek, nymph in Greek mythology)
  5. Thalassa – “Sea” (Greek, sea goddess in Greek mythology)
  6. Eunomia – “Good Order” (Greek, one of the Horae in Greek mythology)
  7. Nyx – “Night” (Greek, goddess of the night in Greek mythology)
  8. Hemera – “Day” (Greek, goddess of the daytime in Greek mythology)
  9. Klotho – “Spinner” (Greek, one of the Fates in Greek mythology)
  10. Lachesis – “Allotter” (Greek, one of the Fates in Greek mythology)
  11. Atropos – “Inevitable” (Greek, one of the Fates in Greek mythology)
  12. Pythia – “To rot” (Greek, High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo)
  13. Asteria – “Starry One” (Greek, Titaness in Greek mythology)
  14. Gaia – “Earth” (Greek, personification of Earth in Greek mythology)
  15. Hebe – “Youth” (Greek, goddess of youth in Greek mythology)
  16. Metis – “Wisdom” (Greek, Titaness of wisdom in Greek mythology)
  17. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek, goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology)
  18. Clio – “Glory” (Greek, muse of history in Greek mythology)
  19. Calliope – “Beautiful Voice” (Greek, muse of epic poetry in Greek mythology)
  20. Terpsichore – “Delight in Dancing” (Greek, muse of dance in Greek mythology)
  21. Euterpe – “Delight in Music” (Greek, muse of music in Greek mythology)
  22. Thalia – “Flourishing” (Greek, muse of comedy in Greek mythology)
  23. Melpomene – “Chorus” (Greek, muse of tragedy in Greek mythology)
  24. Erato – “Lovely” (Greek, muse of love poetry in Greek mythology)
  25. Urania – “Heavenly” (Greek, muse of astronomy in Greek mythology)
  26. Polyhymnia – “Many Hymns” (Greek, muse of hymns in Greek mythology)
  27. Dione – “Divine” (Greek, Titaness in Greek mythology)
  28. Rhea – “Flowing” (Greek, Titaness in Greek mythology)
  29. Themis – “Law” (Greek, Titaness of divine law in Greek mythology)
  30. Tethys – “Nurse” (Greek, Titaness of fresh water in Greek mythology)

Funny Minotaur Names

Step into the maze of laughter as you explore humorous names for your Minotaur, a figure that can both amuse and awe with its blend of human and bovine traits. Here are 25 names designed to tickle your funny bone!

  1. BullyVanilli – “Bull in Disguise” (English, play on ‘Milli Vanilli’)
  2. Moo-nitor – “Bull Overseer” (English, play on ‘Monitor’)
  3. Hufflebuff – “A Well-built Easygoing Minotaur” (English, play on ‘Hufflepuff’)
  4. Taurocious – “Bullishly Delicious” (Latin/English)
  5. Labyr-wince – “A Maze Walker” (English, play on ‘Wince’)
  6. Bulloney – “Bull Nonsense” (English, play on ‘Baloney’)
  7. Mooscles – “Bull with Muscles” (English, play on ‘Muscles’)
  8. Bovidiva – “Star Bull” (English, play on ‘Diva’)
  9. RoaminBull – “Wandering Bull” (English, play on ‘Roaming’)
  10. Grazey-Eyed – “Dazed Minotaur” (English, play on ‘Crazy-eyed’)
  11. Minotaurde – “Tired Minotaur” (English, play on ‘Retarde’)
  12. Taurophobia – “Fear of Bulls” (English, play on ‘Phobia’)
  13. BeefCake – “Muscular Bull” (English)
  14. Maze-Runner – “Labyrinth Traveller” (English)
  15. ApisLaugh – “Laughing Bull” (Latin/English, ‘Apis’ is the Latin word for bull)
  16. LabyGrin-th – “Smiling Labyrinth Dweller” (English, play on ‘Grin’)
  17. HornedHumorist – “Funny Minotaur” (English)
  18. Bull-oney – “Nonsense Bull” (English, play on ‘Baloney’)
  19. Cud-chewer – “Bull That Chews Cud” (English)
  20. Bull-derdash – “Nonsense Bull” (English, play on ‘Balderdash’)
  21. Taurefic – “Terrific Bull” (Latin/English, play on ‘Terrific’)
  22. Heifer-larious – “Hilarious Bull” (English, play on ‘Hilarious’)
  23. Moo-mentous – “Important Bull” (English, play on ‘Momentous’)
  24. Amoo-sing – “Funny Bull” (English, play on ‘Amusing’)
  25. Bull-twinkle – “Twinkling Bull” (English, play on ‘Bullwinkle’)

Male Minotaur Names

Dive into the world of mythology as you seek the perfect moniker for your male Minotaur, a symbol of potent strength and raw power. Here are 20 names steeped in resonance and richness.

  1. Torosian – “Descendant of the Bull” (Armenian)
  2. Asterion – “Starry One” (Greek, Minotaur’s original name in mythology)
  3. Iobates – “Archer” (Greek)
  4. Cratos – “Power, Might” (Greek)
  5. Titanus – “Titan, Large” (Latin)
  6. Brutus – “Heavy, Brutal” (Latin)
  7. Caelius – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  8. Erebus – “Deep Darkness” (Greek)
  9. Phaeton – “Shining One” (Greek)
  10. Prometheus – “Forethought” (Greek)
  11. Hyperion – “He who goes above” (Greek)
  12. Klytiades – “Famous One” (Greek)
  13. Leonidas – “Son of the Lion” (Greek)
  14. Labyrinthos – “Place of the Double Axe” (Greek)
  15. Menoetius – “Destined to be Great” (Greek)
  16. Neleus – “Cloud” (Greek)
  17. Perseus – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  18. Typhon – “Monster” (Greek)
  19. Vulcanus – “Volcano” (Latin)
  20. Zephyrus – “West Wind” (Greek)

Female Minotaur Names

Venture into the realm of mythology as you uncover names for your female Minotaur, a figure representing fierce strength and feminine power. Here are 20 captivating names steeped in legend and allure.

  1. Tauria – “Like a Bull” (Latin)
  2. Asteria – “Starry One” (Greek)
  3. Callisto – “Most Beautiful” (Greek)
  4. Dione – “Goddess” (Greek)
  5. Eurynome – “Wide Ruling” (Greek)
  6. Hera – “Protectress” (Greek)
  7. Iolanthe – “Violet Flower” (Greek)
  8. Kassandra – “Unheeded Prophetess” (Greek)
  9. Lysithea – “Release, Freedom” (Greek)
  10. Melaina – “Black, Dark” (Greek)
  11. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  12. Ourania – “Heavenly” (Greek)
  13. Persephone – “Bringer of Destruction” (Greek)
  14. Rhea – “Flowing Stream” (Greek)
  15. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  16. Thalia – “To Blossom, Flourish” (Greek)
  17. Urania – “Heavenly” (Greek)
  18. Xanthe – “Golden, Fair” (Greek)
  19. Zeuxippe – “Horse Chariot” (Greek)
  20. Astraia – “Starry One” (Greek)

Unisex Minotaur Names

Immerse yourself in the realm of myth as you discover unique unisex names for your Minotaur, a symbol of fierce power and human intellect. Here are 15 enchanting names that can grace both male and female Minotaurs.

  1. Aster – “Star” (Greek)
  2. Eirene – “Peace” (Greek)
  3. Phoenix – “Dark Red” (Greek)
  4. Sol – “Sun” (Latin)
  5. Orion – “Boundary, Limit” (Greek)
  6. Kairos – “Right, Opportune Moment” (Greek)
  7. Eos – “Dawn” (Greek)
  8. Charon – “Fierce Brightness” (Greek)
  9. Helios – “Sun” (Greek)
  10. Aether – “Upper Sky” (Greek)
  11. Zephyr – “West Wind” (Greek)
  12. Echo – “Reverberating Sound” (Greek)
  13. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  14. Thanos – “Immortal” (Greek)
  15. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)

Famous Minotaur Names

Step into the world of mythology, fantasy literature, and games as you uncover the most famous names for your Minotaur, a creature that has fascinated audiences across generations. Here are 20 well-known names that echo through the annals of fiction and folklore.

  1. Asterion – “Starry One” (Greek, the original Minotaur in Greek mythology)
  2. Baphomet – “Absorption of Knowledge” (Hebrew/Arabic, associated with a Sabbatic Goat entity)
  3. Tauros – “Bull” (Greek, a bull-like creature in Pokémon)
  4. Gortusk – “Brutish Tusk” (Invented, from World of Warcraft)
  5. Torro – “Bull” (Spanish, a name of a Marvel Comics’ character)
  6. Magnus – “Great” (Latin, from Warhammer fantasy)
  7. Gorehorn – “Fierce Horn” (Invented, from the game Magic: The Gathering)
  8. Ironhide – “Iron Skin” (English, from Transformers)
  9. Rendclaw – “Tearing Claw” (Invented, from the game Magic: The Gathering)
  10. Theros – “Summer Heat” (Greek, from Magic: The Gathering)
  11. Hrothgar – “Glory Spear” (Old Norse, from Beowulf)
  12. Kragma – “Hill” (Greek, from Magic: The Gathering)
  13. Minoton – “Robot Minotaur” (Invented, from Doctor Who)
  14. Minos – “King” (Greek, father of the Minotaur in Greek mythology)
  15. Tauron – “Bull-Like” (Latin, from Battlestar Galactica)
  16. Tauren – “Bull-Like” (Invented, from World of Warcraft)
  17. Asterius – “Starry” (Latin, a variant of Asterion)
  18. Gorg – “Fierce” (Invented, from the game Clash of Clans)
  19. Baelrog – “Demon of Power” (Sindarin, from Lord of the Rings)
  20. Bovitauride – “Bull Monster” (Latin/Invented, from Dungeons and Dragons)

Disney Minotaur Names

Embark on a magical adventure as you explore the names of Minotaurs in Disney’s enchanting universe. These characters captivate us with their larger-than-life presence and often a dash of humor. Here are 15 such names that echo through the hallways of Disney animation.

  1. Philoctetes – “Lover of Acquiring” (Greek, from ‘Hercules’)
  2. Minotaur – “Bull of Minos” (Greek, from ‘Hercules’)
  3. Taurus Bulba – “Bull Bulba” (English/Latin, from ‘Darkwing Duck’)
  4. Phineas – “Oracle” (Hebrew, from ‘Phineas and Ferb’)
  5. Ferb – “Bold, Brave” (Germanic, from ‘Phineas and Ferb’)
  6. Tito – “Giant” (Spanish, from ‘Oliver & Company’)
  7. Hugo – “Mind, Intellect” (German, from ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’)
  8. Benny – “Blessed” (Hebrew, from ‘Benny the Bull’)
  9. Monstro – “Monster” (Italian, from ‘Pinocchio’)
  10. Maximus – “Greatest” (Latin, from ‘Tangled’)
  11. Angus – “One Strength” (Scottish Gaelic, from ‘Brave’)
  12. Pegasus – “Spring, Well” (Greek, from ‘Hercules’)
  13. Khan – “Prince, Chief” (Mongolian, from ‘Mulan’)
  14. Buck – “Male Deer” (English, from ‘Home on the Range’)
  15. Sitron – “Citron, Lemon” (Norwegian, from ‘Frozen’)

(Note: While not all characters listed are Minotaurs, they represent the breadth of anthropomorphic, large and/or strong characters found in Disney’s rich animation history that could inspire a Minotaur’s name in a Disney-esque universe.)

Minotaur FAQ

What are the names of the Greek Minotaur?

The Minotaur of Greek mythology is most commonly known as simply “The Minotaur,” but he is also called Asterion, which means “the starry one”. The name Minotaur itself means “Bull of Minos,” as the creature was associated with King Minos of Crete. In some versions of the story, the Minotaur’s human name before his transformation is given as Asterius.

Do minotaurs have hooves?

Yes, according to Greek mythology and most modern depictions, Minotaurs do have hooves. The Minotaur is typically depicted with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull, and just like a bull, it is shown with hooved feet. This is a key part of its iconic hybrid appearance, emphasizing its brute strength and connection to the primal, untamed forces of nature. In many role-playing games and fantasy works, this depiction is maintained. However, interpretations can vary, and in some depictions, the Minotaur might have more human-like feet.

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