Fairy Names Galore: 270 Unique & Whimsical Choices for Pets!

Delve into the ethereal world of fairy folk with this spellbinding list of magical fairy names. Both enchanting and charming, these names will whisk you away into the land of pixie dust, enchantments, and magical delights.

Whether you’re naming a mystical character, your newborn, or even a pet, these fairy names are sure to add a touch of magic to your everyday life.

Interesting Facts about Fairies

  • Although fairies are generally associated with good fortune and blessings, some cultures believe in mischievous or even malevolent fairies. This duality highlights their unpredictable nature in folklore.
  • Fairy lore is rich and diverse, with each culture having its own unique depiction. In Irish mythology, for instance, fairies are seen as descendants of the Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of supernaturally-gifted people.
  • Fairies are commonly associated with the natural world. Many folklore traditions associate them with specific landmarks like hills, ponds, and trees, and they are often seen as protectors of nature.

Fairy Name Ideas

Choosing the perfect name for your fairy is a magical journey all of its own. Reflect on the fairy’s personality – are they mischievous, kind, or adventurous? You may want a name that embodies their spirit and nature. Remember, fairy names often have a lyrical and whimsical quality, imbued with the allure of the natural world. It could be a blend of nature and magic, like ‘Windwhisper’, or something that reflects the fairy’s charm, such as ‘Sparklebright’. So, let your imagination take flight and find a name that’s as magical as your fairy!

Fairies In Mythology

From twinkling starlight to the hushed whispers of the forest, fairies have danced through mythology, imbuing it with their enchanting charm and magic. Here, we’ll explore a few captivating names inspired by these ethereal beings.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Aine – “Brightness, glow” (Irish)
  3. Breena – “Fairy land” (Gaelic)
  4. Elva – “Elf, magical being” (Scandinavian)
  5. Faye – “Fairy” (English)
  6. Niamh – “Brightness, radiance” (Irish)
  7. Oberon – “Noble, bearlike” (German)
  8. Pari – “Fairy” (Persian)
  9. Rhiannon – “Great queen, witch” (Welsh)
  10. Siofra – “Elf, sprite” (Irish)
  11. Tatiana – “Fairy queen” (Russian)
  12. Alfie – “Elf, supernatural counsel” (English)
  13. Faelan – “Little wolf” (Irish)
  14. Gwydion – “Born of trees” (Welsh)
  15. Iolanthe – “Violet flower” (Greek)
  16. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Irish)
  17. Luna – “Moon” (Italian)
  18. Melusine – “Sea nymph, fairy” (French)
  19. Sidhe – “Fairy hill” (Irish)
  20. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)

Male Fairy Names

Step into the mystical world of fairy lore and uncover enchanting male fairy names that echo with ancient magic and the whispering winds of mythical forests.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Brennan – “Descendent of the sad one” (Irish)
  3. Cobweb – From Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ (English)
  4. Dael – “Knowledge of God” (Hebrew)
  5. Erlking – “Elf king” (German)
  6. Faelan – “Little wolf” (Irish)
  7. Gwydion – “Born of trees” (Welsh)
  8. Hermes – “Interpreter” (Greek)
  9. Icarus – “Follower” (Greek)
  10. Jareth – From the movie ‘Labyrinth’ (English)
  11. Keir – “Dark, black” (Irish)
  12. Lir – “Sea” (Irish)
  13. Mabon – “Divine son” (Welsh)
  14. Nix – “Water sprite” (German)
  15. Oberon – “Noble, bearlike” (German)
  16. Puck – “Sprite” (English, Shakespearean)
  17. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  18. Robin – “Bright, shining” (English)
  19. Sylph – “Air spirit” (French)
  20. Thistledown – A light and airy sprite from ‘Peter Pan’ (English)

The Best Fairy Names For Girls

Dive into the magical realm of fairies and discover the most enchanting fairy names for girls that shimmer with mystic allure and charm.

  1. Aine – “Brightness, glow” (Irish)
  2. Breena – “Fairy land” (Gaelic)
  3. Ciara – “Dark-haired” (Irish)
  4. Elva – “Elf, magical being” (Scandinavian)
  5. Faye – “Fairy” (English)
  6. Giselle – “Pledge” (German)
  7. Iliana – “Bright” (Greek)
  8. Jadis – “Witch, snow queen” (French, Narnian)
  9. Keira – “Dark” (Irish)
  10. Luna – “Moon” (Italian)
  11. Melusine – “Sea nymph, fairy” (French)
  12. Niamh – “Brightness, radiance” (Irish)
  13. Oona – “Lamb” (Irish)
  14. Pari – “Fairy” (Persian)
  15. Rhiannon – “Great queen, witch” (Welsh)
  16. Siofra – “Elf, sprite” (Irish)
  17. Titania – “Fairy queen” (English, Shakespearean)
  18. Una – “One” (Latin)
  19. Vivienne – “Life” (French)
  20. Wren – “Small bird” (English)

Cute Fairy Names

Let the delicate flutter of fairy wings guide you through this enchanting list of cute fairy names, brimming with magic and whimsy.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Belle – “Beautiful” (French)
  3. Coco – “Chocolate bean” (American)
  4. Dewdrop – “Drop of morning moisture” (English)
  5. Elfin – “Small, fairy-like” (English)
  6. Fizzle – “Bubbly, effervescent” (English)
  7. Glimmer – “Shimmering light” (English)
  8. Honey – “Sweet, nectar” (English)
  9. Ivy – “Faithfulness” (English)
  10. Jellybean – “Sweet, candy” (American)
  11. Kiki – “New beginning” (Japanese)
  12. Luna – “Moon” (Italian)
  13. Muffin – “Small sweet cake” (English)
  14. Nixie – “Water nymph” (German)
  15. Pip – “Lover of horses” (English)

Good Fairy Names

Delight in the charming magic of the fairy realm with these good fairy names that twinkle with enchantment and the gentle touch of pixie dust.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Blossom – “Flower-like” (English)
  3. Clarity – “Clear, bright” (English)
  4. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  5. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)
  6. Fay – “Fairy” (English)
  7. Glitter – “Sparkling” (English)
  8. Harmony – “Unity, peace” (Latin)
  9. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  10. Joy – “Happiness” (English)
  11. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Irish)
  12. Lily – “Pure, passion” (English)
  13. Meadow – “Field, grassland” (English)
  14. Nimble – “Quick, light” (English)
  15. Opaline – “Jewel” (Latin)
  16. Pixie – “Fairy” (Celtic)
  17. Quill – “Feather” (English)
  18. Serene – “Calm, peaceful” (Latin)
  19. Tulip – “Perfect love” (Persian)
  20. Whisper – “Soft, hushed voice” (English)

Nature Fairy Names

Enter the mystical groves of the fairy kingdom with these nature-inspired fairy names, each resonating with the enchanting whisper of the wild.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Briar – “Thorny plant” (English)
  3. Clover – “Meadow flower” (English)
  4. Dewdrop – “Drop of morning moisture” (English)
  5. Evergreen – “Forever green, enduring” (English)
  6. Fern – “Feather-like plant” (English)
  7. Glen – “Valley” (Gaelic)
  8. Heather – “Flowering plant” (English)
  9. Ivy – “Climbing vine plant” (English)
  10. Juniper – “Evergreen shrub” (Latin)
  11. Kestrel – “Type of falcon” (English)
  12. Lily – “Pure, passion” (English)
  13. Moss – “Small flowerless green plant” (English)
  14. Nectar – “Sweet liquid from flowers” (English)
  15. Orchid – “Beautiful flower” (Greek)

Forest Fairy Names

Venture into the whispering woods with this list of forest fairy names, each echoing with the magic of rustling leaves and ancient trees.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Birch – “Bright, shining” (English)
  3. Cedar – “To incense, to love” (English)
  4. Dell – “Small valley among trees” (English)
  5. Elowen – “Elm tree” (Cornish)
  6. Fern – “Feather-like plant” (English)
  7. Grove – “Small woodland” (English)
  8. Holly – “Holly trees” (English)
  9. Ivy – “Climbing vine plant” (English)
  10. Juniper – “Evergreen shrub” (Latin)
  11. Kestrel – “Type of falcon” (English)
  12. Linden – “Lime tree” (English)
  13. Maple – “Type of tree” (English)
  14. Nashua – “Elm tree by the river” (Native American)
  15. Oakley – “Oak wood or clearing” (English)

Flower Fairy Names

Blossom into the enchanting world of flower fairies with these petal-soft names, each carrying the delicate scent of its floral inspiration.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Blossom – “Flower, bloom” (English)
  3. Calla – “Beautiful” (Greek) – Calla Lily
  4. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  5. Eglantine – “Wild rose” (French)
  6. Freesia – “Freedom” (Latin)
  7. Gardenia – “Garden’s flower” (English)
  8. Hyacinth – “Flower of rain” (Greek)
  9. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  10. Jasmine – “Gift from God” (Persian)
  11. Kalmia – “Honoring Kalm” – Kalmia is a type of flowering plant (Latin)
  12. Lilac – “Flowering pale-purple shrub” (English)
  13. Magnolia – “Magnol’s flower” (Latin)
  14. Neroli – “Orange blossom” (Italian)
  15. Orchid – “Beauty, love” (Greek)

Fairy Last Names

Venture further into the realm of enchantment with these captivating fairy last names, each echoing tales of magical ancestry and bewitching lineages.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Bloom – “Flower, bloom” (English)
  3. Evergreen – “Forever green, enduring” (English)
  4. Frost – “Cold crystalline dew” (English)
  5. Gossamer – “Delicate, light, flimsy” (English)
  6. Hawthorn – “Hedge thorn” (English)
  7. Icicle – “Ice drop” (English)
  8. Juniper – “Evergreen shrub” (Latin)
  9. Kestrel – “Type of falcon” (English)
  10. Lily – “Pure, passion” (English)
  11. Mist – “Cloudy moisture, fog” (English)
  12. Nightingale – “Night songstress” (English)
  13. Orchid – “Beautiful flower” (Greek)
  14. Petrichor – “Scent of rain on dry earth” (English)
  15. Quill – “Feather, pen” (English)

Ice Fairy Names

Step into the glittering, frost-kissed world of ice fairies with these shimmering names, each echoing with the cold, crystalline beauty of winter’s touch.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Boreas – “North Wind” (Greek)
  3. Crystal – “Ice, clear” (Greek)
  4. December – “Tenth month” (Latin)
  5. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)
  6. Frostine – “Snowy” (Latin)
  7. Glacia – “Ice” (Latin)
  8. Hail – “Frozen Rain” (English)
  9. Iclyn – “Compassionate, merciful” (American)
  10. January – “Month of the winter season” (Latin)
  11. Kari – “Pure” (Scandinavian) – also the Norse Goddess of Wind
  12. Lumi – “Snow” (Finnish)
  13. Neve – “Snow” (Italian)
  14. Oriel – “Gold” (Latin) – referring to the golden light of the sun on ice
  15. Polaris – “North Star” (Latin)

Names That Mean Fairy

Embark on a magical journey into a list of enchanting names that literally mean “fairy,” each one twinkling with the shimmer of fantastical charm and mystical allure.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Ela – “Fairy maiden” (Turkish)
  3. Faye/Fay/Fae – “Fairy” (Old French)
  4. Sidhe – “Fairy folk” (Irish)
  5. Parisa – “Like a fairy” (Persian)
  6. Tien – “Fairy” (Vietnamese)
  7. Sheehan – “Little peaceful one, fairy” (Irish)
  8. Alvera – “Elf” (Spanish)
  9. Naida – “Water nymph” (Greek)
  10. Oonagh – “Queen of the fairies” (Irish)
  11. Nixie – “Water nymph” (German)
  12. Sylph – “Air spirit” (French)
  13. Nereida – “Sea nymph” (Spanish)
  14. Melia – “Nymph of the ash tree” (Greek)
  15. Nymphadora – “Gift of the nymphs” (Greek)

Tooth Fairy Names

Step into the gentle, night-time world of the tooth fairy with these delicate names, each twinkling with the magic of lost teeth and childhood wishes.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Bianca – “White, shining” (Italian)
  3. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  4. Dentella – “Little tooth” (Italian)
  5. Enamelia – “Hard, glossy” (Latin/English)
  6. Flossie – “Silk-like thread” (English)
  7. Glisten – “Shine, sparkle” (English)
  8. Halo – “Divine aura” (Greek)
  9. Incisorina – “Cutting tooth” (Latin/English)
  10. Jewel – “Precious stone” (English)
  11. Krystal – “Ice, clear” (Greek)
  12. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  13. Molaria – “Grinding tooth” (Latin/English)
  14. Nixie – “Water sprite” (German)
  15. Opaline – “Jewel” (Latin)

Fairy Name Generator

Unleash your imagination and embark on a magical journey with these whimsical fairy names, each spun from the enchanting threads of fairy lore and fantasy.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Bixie – “Water sprite” (Chinese)
  3. Cybele – “Mother of all gods” (Phrygian)
  4. Dianthe – “Divine flower” (Greek)
  5. Eolande – “Violet flower” (Greek)
  6. Fayline – “Like a cat” (French)
  7. Glimmer – “Shining light” (English)
  8. Hesper – “Evening star” (Greek)
  9. Iolanthe – “Violet flower” (Greek)
  10. Jewel – “Precious gem” (English)
  11. Kerria – “Dark-haired” (Celtic)
  12. Lunette – “Little moon” (French)
  13. Myrrh – “Bitter” (Arabic) – a type of aromatic resin
  14. Nerida – “Sea nymph” (Greek)
  15. Opaline – “Jewel” (Latin)

Fairy Queen Names

Ascend to the royal court of fairydom with these regal fairy queen names, each sparkling with the majesty and dignity of fairy tale royalty.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Titania – “Queen of the Fairies” in Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ (English)
  3. Mab – “Queen of the Fairies” in English folklore (English)
  4. Glinda – “Good Witch of the South” in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ (English)
  5. Aine – “Queen of the fairies” in Irish folklore (Irish)
  6. Morgana – “Dweller of the sea” (Welsh) – a fairy queen in Arthurian legend
  7. Niamh – “Bright” (Irish) – a queen in Irish mythology
  8. Rhiannon – “Great Queen” in Welsh mythology (Welsh)
  9. Banshee – “Fairy woman” (Irish) – queen of the spirits
  10. Fand – “Pearl of beauty” (Irish) – a queen in Irish mythology
  11. Etain – “Jealousy, passion” (Irish) – a fairy queen in Irish mythology
  12. Freya – “Lady” (Norse) – a queen in Norse mythology
  13. Oberon – “Queen of the fairies” in Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ (English)
  14. Gwenhwyfar – “White phantom” (Welsh) – the original Welsh name for Queen Guinevere
  15. Elphame – “Elfin Kingdom” (Scottish) – a term for the realm of the fairy queen in Scottish folklore.

Famous Fairy Names

Venture through the sparkling mists of fairy lore and discover a trove of famous fairy names, each carrying its own magical tale and enchanting echo.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Bluebell – A fairy from ‘Peter Pan’ (English)
  3. Cobweb – A fairy from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ (English)
  4. Dulcie – A fairy from the play ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ (English)
  5. Ella – Fairy Godmother in ‘Cinderella’ (English)
  6. Fawn – A fairy from the ‘Tinkerbell’ movies (English)
  7. Glinda – The Good Witch in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ (English)
  8. Herb Twopence – A fairy from ‘Artemis Fowl’ series (English)
  9. Iridessa – A fairy from the ‘Tinkerbell’ movies (English)
  10. Jareth – The Goblin King in ‘Labyrinth’ (English)
  11. Keebler – Elves making cookies in the famous advertisement (English)
  12. Leprechaun – Famous Irish fairy (Irish)
  13. Moth – A fairy from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ (English)
  14. Noddy – A character from Enid Blyton’s children books (English)
  15. Oberon – The King of the Fairies in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ (English)

Disney Fairy Names

Swoop into the enchanting world of Disney fairies and pixies, exploring a list of magical names that twinkle with wonder and delight.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Tinkerbell – The main fairy from ‘Peter Pan’ (English)
  3. Silvermist – A water fairy from the ‘Tinkerbell’ movies (English)
  4. Fawn – A fairy of animals in the ‘Tinkerbell’ series (English)
  5. Iridessa – A light fairy from ‘Tinkerbell’ (English)
  6. Rosetta – A garden fairy from the ‘Tinkerbell’ movies (English)
  7. Zarina – A dust-keeper fairy from ‘The Pirate Fairy’ (English)
  8. Periwinkle – Tinkerbell’s sister, a frost fairy (English)
  9. Vidia – A fast-flying fairy from ‘Tinkerbell’ (English)
  10. Queen Clarion – The queen of the fairies in ‘Tinkerbell’ (English)
  11. Bobble – A tinker fairy with large glasses in ‘Tinkerbell’ (English)
  12. Clank – A large tinker fairy from the ‘Tinkerbell’ series (English)
  13. Terence – A dust-keeper fairy from ‘Tinkerbell’ (English)
  14. Merryweather – One of the three fairies from ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (English)
  15. Flora – One of the three good fairies from ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (English)

Fairy Names In The Winx Club

Embark on a magical journey into the realm of Winx Club fairies, discovering names that sparkle with mystical power and unforgettable enchantment.

  1. Arden – “Valley of the eagle” (English)
  2. Bloom – The Fairy of the Dragon Flame (English)
  3. Stella – The Fairy of the Shining Sun (Latin)
  4. Flora – The Fairy of Nature (Latin)
  5. Musa – The Fairy of Music (Latin)
  6. Tecna – The Fairy of Technology (Greek)
  7. Aisha – The Fairy of Waves (Arabic)
  8. Roxy – The Fairy of Animals (English)
  9. Daphne – Nymph of Magix and Bloom’s sister (Greek)
  10. Nebula – Fairy of Peace, former Major Fairy of War (Latin)
  11. Miele – Flora’s sister, Fairy of Nature (Italian)
  12. Diaspro – Fairy of Gems (Italian)
  13. Krystal – Fairy of the Polar Star (English)
  14. Selina – Fairy of the Dark Witch (Latin)
  15. Lockette – Pixie of Portals (English)
  16. Chatta – Pixie of Gossip (English)
  17. Amore – Pixie of Love (Italian)
  18. Tune – Pixie of Manners (English)
  19. Digit – Pixie of Nano Technology (English)
  20. Piff – Pixie of Sweet Dreams (English)

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