280 Unique Troll Names & Their Hidden Meanings: Unleash Creativity

Dive into the mesmerizing world of trolls with our comprehensive list of 70+ best troll names. Whether you’re creating a character for your next fantasy novel, a videogame, or just need a whimsical nickname for a friend, you’ve stumbled upon a goldmine.

Read on, and allow these names to ignite your imagination, transport you to mythical realms, and tickle your sense of humor.

Interesting Facts about Trolls

  • In Nordic folklore, trolls are believed to turn to stone upon contact with sunlight. This intriguing detail provides a rich narrative foundation for storytelling.
  • Trolls are often portrayed as creatures of enormous strength. Their immense power is only matched by their equally large and often endearing, personalities.
  • Depending on the story or source, trolls may be depicted as both malevolent and benign creatures. This flexibility can make naming a troll a uniquely creative endeavor.

How to Choose a Troll Name

Choosing a troll name can be a thrilling task, but where do you start? Remember, trolls often come with larger-than-life personalities, so choose a name that reflects this. Think big, bold, and a little quirky. Moreover, drawing on Norse or Old English words can help reflect the troll’s rich folklore origins. Just let your imagination run wild and don’t forget to have fun with it! After all, the best troll names are the ones that capture the vibrant essence of these fascinating fantasy creatures.

Good Troll Names

Dive into a realm of whimsy, mystery, and charm with these remarkable troll names. Each moniker resonates with its own unique allure.

  1. Grizzlecrunch – “Grizzly, biting” (English)
  2. Stonethud – “Stone, loud noise” (English)
  3. Bouldergut – “Rock, stomach” (English)
  4. Thornshamble – “Thorn, messy growth” (English)
  5. Mossbeard – “Moss, facial hair” (English)
  6. Clodknuckle – “Clump of dirt, joint of finger” (English)
  7. Pebblegrunt – “Small rock, low sound” (English)
  8. Marrowgnaw – “Bone, bite” (English)
  9. Lichenlimb – “Fungus, arm or leg” (English)
  10. Flintfumble – “Hard rock, clumsy” (English)
  11. Cragcrumble – “Rocky peak, break apart” (English)
  12. Mudmumble – “Wet soil, low indistinct sound” (English)
  13. Barkbellow – “Tree skin, shout loudly” (English)
  14. Rootrumble – “Plant part, low resonance” (English)
  15. Shardshriek – “Piece, high-pitched noise” (English)

Trolls In Mythology

Unravel the fascinating threads of mythology with these troll names, each bearing a weighty significance and rooted in various languages.

  1. Grendel – “Grinder” (Old English)
  2. Hrungnir – “Brawler” (Old Norse)
  3. Skrymir – “Big fellow” (Old Norse)
  4. Ymir – “The screamer” (Old Norse)
  5. Klaufi – “Clumsy” (Icelandic)
  6. Blund – “Dozy” (Norwegian)
  7. Gorm – “He who worships god” (Old Norse)
  8. Sten – “Stone” (Swedish)
  9. Gris – “Pig” (Danish)
  10. Bjerg – “Mountain” (Danish)
  11. Lur – “Hiding, lurking” (Norwegian)
  12. Gnarl – “Old and twisted” (English)
  13. Brusi – “Brownie, goblin” (Old Norse)
  14. Troll – “Monster, giant” (Swedish)
  15. Korg – “Dwarf, gnome” (Old Norse)
  16. Vafthrudnir – “Mighty weaver of riddles” (Old Norse)
  17. Skoll – “Treachery” (Old Norse)
  18. Fenrir – “Fen-dweller” (Old Norse)
  19. Jotunn – “Devourer” (Old Norse)
  20. Thrym – “Uproar, noise” (Old Norse)

Cute Troll Names

Get ready to be charmed with a collection of adorable troll names, each holding a dash of magic, a sprinkle of mischief, and a whole lot of cuteness!

  1. Pebbly – “Small rock” (English)
  2. Fizzletuft – “Bubbly, patch of hair” (English)
  3. Tumbletot – “Rolling, small child” (English)
  4. Giggleroot – “Laughter, plant part” (English)
  5. Snugglestone – “Cuddle, rock” (English)
  6. Spritzle – “Spray, playful” (English)
  7. Squishpebble – “Soft, small stone” (English)
  8. Jinglebranch – “Tinkling sound, tree part” (English)
  9. Wobblebloom – “Unsteady, flower” (English)
  10. Bumblebark – “Clumsy, tree skin” (English)
  11. Frothspur – “Foam, thorn” (English)
  12. Ripplemoss – “Small wave, plant” (English)
  13. Puddlefluff – “Small pool, light” (English)
  14. Ticklefern – “Touch lightly, plant” (English)
  15. Chucklecherry – “Laugh, fruit” (English)
  16. Quiverquartz – “Tremble, mineral” (English)
  17. Nibbleknot – “Bite gently, twisted lump” (English)
  18. Squiggletwig – “Wavy line, small branch” (English)
  19. Dimpledrift – “Small indentation, moving along” (English)
  20. Fuzzlethorn – “Fluffy, sharp plant” (English)
  21. Lullaleaf – “Soothe, plant part” (English)
  22. Skedaddleshroom – “Run away quickly, mushroom” (English)
  23. Scampersprout – “Run playfully, new growth” (English)
  24. Gobblegrain – “Eat quickly, cereal” (English)
  25. Gigglegrove – “Laughter, small wood” (English)

Female Troll Names

Discover a treasure trove of enchanting names perfect for your female troll characters, each echoing with its own distinct rhythm and charm.

  1. Stonia – “Stony, hard” (English)
  2. Barknelle – “Tree bark, bright light” (English)
  3. Pebblina – “Small rock” (English)
  4. Mossandra – “Moss, helper of man” (English)
  5. Crumbleigh – “Break apart, meadow” (English)
  6. Lichenlia – “Fungus, bearer of good news” (English)
  7. Marrowlyn – “Bone, waterfall” (English)
  8. Thistla – “Thistle, flower” (English)
  9. Shaleena – “Fine-grained rock” (English)
  10. Rumblelina – “Deep, heavy sound” (English)
  11. Gritta – “Small loose particles of stone” (English)
  12. Fungretta – “Fungus, pearl” (English)
  13. Cragelle – “Rocky peak, light” (English)
  14. Sludgina – “Thick, soft, wet mud” (English)
  15. Muddona – “Wet soil, lady” (English)
  16. Clayra – “Sticky earth, queen” (English)
  17. Shardnella – “Piece, bright one” (English)
  18. Grottina – “Cave, little one” (Italian)
  19. Slabrina – “Flat, thick piece of stone, noble” (English)
  20. Grindelle – “To reduce to small particles, bright light” (English)
  21. Boulderelle – “Large rock, bright light” (English)
  22. Cobbleigh – “Small rounded stone, meadow” (English)
  23. Tuffina – “Compact rock, little one” (Italian)
  24. Brindelle – “Speckled, bright light” (English
  25. Quarzina – “Quartz, little one” (Italian)

Internet Troll Names

Embrace the mischievous spirit of internet culture with these online troll usernames, each designed to ruffle feathers and spark conversation in the digital landscape.

  1. CapsLockCaper – “Master of disruptive typing” (English)
  2. ThreadThwarter – “One who derails discussions” (English)
  3. KeyboardKnight – “Warrior of the digital realm” (English)
  4. MemeMarauder – “Steals and spreads memes” (English)
  5. EmojiOverlord – “Master of expressive symbols” (English)
  6. 404NotFound – “Symbolizes missing internet content” (English)
  7. ClickbaitCrusader – “Advocate of misleading headlines” (English)
  8. FlameWarFighter – “Instigator of online arguments” (English)
  9. PopUpPirate – “One who spams with pop-up ads” (English)
  10. Trollolologist – “Expert in internet pranks” (English)
  11. InfiniteLoop – “Represents never-ending online frustrations” (English)
  12. KeyboardKommando – “Assertive online personality” (English)
  13. ServerSlayer – “One who crashes online servers” (English)
  14. HashtagHijacker – “One who misuses popular hashtags” (English)
  15. NetNinja – “Stealthy and disruptive online presence” (English)
  16. ScreenShotSniper – “Expert in capturing incriminating online moments” (English)
  17. FakeNewsFanatic – “One who spreads misinformation” (English)
  18. BotBuddy – “One who uses automated programs to cause havoc” (English)
  19. LinkLurker – “One who surprises with unexpected links” (English)
  20. WebWrecker – “One who disrupts the online environment” (English)

Funny Troll Names

Brace yourself for a dose of hilarity with these funny troll names, perfect for adding a dash of humor to your stories or games.

  1. Gruntlegruff – “Low sound, rough” (English)
  2. Fumblegrit – “Clumsy, small particle” (English)
  3. Squabblestone – “Quarrel, rock” (English)
  4. Whifflewharf – “Blow lightly, dock” (English)
  5. Chucklechomp – “Laugh, bite” (English)
  6. Snickersnatch – “Laugh, take quickly” (English)
  7. Guffawgravel – “Loud laugh, small stones” (English)
  8. Gigglegrind – “Laugh, crush” (English)
  9. Blunderboulder – “Mistake, large rock” (English)
  10. Flusterflint – “Agitate, hard rock” (English)
  11. Puddleprank – “Small pool, mischievous trick” (English)
  12. Mumblemoss – “Speak unclearly, plant” (English)
  13. Snortleslab – “Laugh through nose, thick flat piece” (English)
  14. Tittertwig – “Laugh nervously, small branch” (English)
  15. Hootheap – “Laugh, pile” (English)
  16. Gobblequartz – “Eat quickly, mineral” (English)
  17. Smirkshard – “Smile smugly, piece” (English)
  18. Chortlechunk – “Laugh, piece” (English)
  19. Grinrock – “Smile, stone” (English)
  20. Sniggersprout – “Laugh quietly, new growth” (English)

What Are Some Troll Names For Cod?

Dive into the battlefield with these troll-inspired Call of Duty gamer tags, each imbued with the wild spirit and resilience of mythic trolls to bring out your inner warrior.

  1. BulletBane – “Destroys bullets” (English)
  2. GrenadeGiggler – “Finds humor in destruction” (English)
  3. BoomJester – “One who jests with explosives” (English)
  4. ShotSnorter – “Laughs at gunshots” (English)
  5. ScopeSneerer – “Mocks sniper scopes” (English)
  6. ClaymoreClown – “Finds amusement in lethal traps” (English)
  7. FlashbangFrolicker – “Frolics amidst blinding light” (English)
  8. JuggernautJoker – “Jokes amidst chaos” (English)
  9. BlastBuffoon – “One who jests with explosions” (English)
  10. KillstreakKook – “Crazy about kill streaks” (English)
  11. AmmoAntic – “One who jests with ammunition” (English)
  12. CamperChortler – “Laughs at camping strategies” (English)
  13. ReloadRiddler – “One who riddles while reloading” (English)
  14. TriggerTeaser – “One who teases with trigger pulls” (English)
  15. CrosshairCrackup – “One who finds humor in aim” (English)
  16. PerkPrankster – “One who pranks with perks” (English)
  17. HeadshotHysteric – “Finds headshots hilariously effective” (English)
  18. ReviveRibtickler – “One who laughs at revives” (English)
  19. UAVUndertaker – “One who buries enemies using UAVs” (English)
  20. TacticalTickler – “One who finds humor in tactics” (English)

Trolls In Popular Culture

Explore the vivid tapestry of popular culture where trolls frolic, grumble, and roar. Here are 20 engaging troll names inspired by various media, complete with meanings.

  1. Shrek – “Fear” (Yiddish)
  2. Throgg – “The King of Trolls” (Warhammer, English)
  3. Branch – “A part of a tree” (Trolls, English)
  4. Poppy – “A bright, colorful flower” (Trolls, English)
  5. Azog – “The Defiler” (The Hobbit, Sindarin)
  6. Grumm – “Grumpy, sour” (Dungeons & Dragons, English)
  7. Prakjek – “Fierce, strong” (World of Warcraft, Orcish)
  8. Blöthga – “The Bloodthirsty” (World of Warcraft, Orcish)
  9. Gloin – “Glow” (The Hobbit, Dwarvish)
  10. Urgal – “Brute, beast” (Eragon, Invented Language)
  11. Gnarlak – “Crooked, twisted” (Fantastic Beasts, English)
  12. Grawp – “Large, giant-like” (Harry Potter, English)
  13. Bödvar – “Battle, warrior” (The Elder Scrolls, Norse)
  14. Beorn – “Bear” (The Hobbit, Old English)
  15. Falkor – “Guardian of the People” (The Neverending Story, Old Norse)
  16. Bolg – “Pain, horror” (The Hobbit, Orcish)
  17. Gorbag – “Orkish, cruel” (Lord of The Rings, Orcish)
  18. Hoggle – “Loyal, friend” (Labyrinth, English)
  19. Rockbiter – “Stone eater” (The Neverending Story, English)
  20. Blix – “Joy, happiness” (Legend, Old Norse)

Wow Troll Names

Unleash the power of the Darkspear with these compelling World of Warcraft troll names, each echoing with the strength and vitality of Azeroth’s mightiest denizens.

  1. Zul’jin – “Great leader” (Zandali)
  2. Rokhan – “Spirit Walker” (Zandali)
  3. Vol’jin – “Fierce spear” (Zandali)
  4. Jin’zakk – “Powerful hunter” (Zandali)
  5. Zul’arek – “Great shadow” (Zandali)
  6. Bwonsamdi – “God of the dead” (Zandali)
  7. Drak’thul – “Shadow magic” (Zandali)
  8. Sen’jin – “Wise spear” (Zandali)
  9. Zanza – “Loa of shapes” (Zandali)
  10. Mar’li – “High priestess of spiders” (Zandali)
  11. Zekhan – “Young hero” (Zandali)
  12. Venoxis – “Snake priest” (Zandali)
  13. Zul’Gurub – “Great city” (Zandali)
  14. Hethiss – “Snake god” (Zandali)
  15. Kil’ruk – “Wind-reaver” (Zandali)
  16. Gan’zulah – “Chieftain of the Bloodscalp tribe” (Zandali)
  17. Hakkar – “Soulflayer” (Zandali)
  18. Kazra’jin – “God of storms and warriors” (Zandali)
  19. Xal’atath – “Blade of the Black Empire” (Zandali)
  20. Nalorakk – “Bear god” (Zandali)
  21. Zul’Farrak – “Sand city” (Zandali)
  22. Malakk – “Frost King” (Zandali)
  23. Akil’zon – “Eagle god” (Zandali)
  24. Jin’do – “Hexxer” (Zandali)
  25. Bethekk – “Panther goddess” (Zandali)

Wow Female Troll Names

Embrace the untamed spirit of the Darkspear tribe with these compelling World of Warcraft female troll names, each echoing the fierce strength and wisdom of Azeroth’s most resilient denizens.

  1. Sen’jin – “Wise spear” (Zandali)
  2. Mar’li – “High priestess of spiders” (Zandali)
  3. Jin’zala – “Mighty huntress” (Zandali)
  4. Zul’ama – “Great mother” (Zandali)
  5. Vol’na – “Fierce spirit” (Zandali)
  6. Talanji – “Princess of the Zandalari” (Zandali)
  7. Zul’jinba – “Leader’s daughter” (Zandali)
  8. Likkim – “Staff of the Tidesages” (Zandali)
  9. Kaz’kah – “Storm fury” (Zandali)
  10. Nal’jin – “Bear spirit” (Zandali)
  11. Sathi’jin – “Sword maiden” (Zandali)
  12. Zul’la – “Great lady” (Zandali)
  13. Bwemba – “Spirit guide” (Zandali)
  14. Zul’ari – “Golden leader” (Zandali)
  15. Yojamba – “Isle of the Zandalar” (Zandali)

Wow Male Troll Names

Delve into the wilds of Azeroth with these powerful World of Warcraft male troll names, each infused with the rugged resilience of the Darkspear tribe.

  1. Vol’jin – “Fierce spear” (Zandali)
  2. Zul’jin – “Great leader” (Zandali)
  3. Rokhan – “Spirit walker” (Zandali)
  4. Jin’zakk – “Powerful hunter” (Zandali)
  5. Zul’arek – “Great shadow” (Zandali)
  6. Bwonsamdi – “God of the dead” (Zandali)
  7. Drak’thul – “Shadow magic” (Zandali)
  8. Zanza – “Loa of shapes” (Zandali)
  9. Zekhan – “Young hero” (Zandali)
  10. Venoxis – “Snake priest” (Zandali)
  11. Gan’zulah – “Chieftain of the Bloodscalp tribe” (Zandali)
  12. Kil’ruk – “Wind-reaver” (Zandali)
  13. Hakkar – “Soulflayer” (Zandali)
  14. Kazra’jin – “God of storms and warriors” (Zandali)
  15. Zul’Farrak – “Sand city” (Zandali)
  16. Nalorakk – “Bear god” (Zandali)
  17. Jin’do – “Hexxer” (Zandali)
  18. Bethekk – “Panther god” (Zandali)
  19. Zul’bruz – “Mighty spear” (Zandali)
  20. Xal’thix – “Lightning claw” (Zandali)
  21. Lokrul – “Shadow hunter” (Zandali)
  22. Zanzil – “Mix master” (Zandali)
  23. Zul’mator – “Spiritual guide” (Zandali)
  24. Tho’gar – “Strong warrior” (Zandali)
  25. Krag’jin – “Earthshaker” (Zandali)

Zandalari Troll Names

Immerse yourself in the ancient power of Zandalar with these formidable Zandalari troll names, each carrying the might and majesty of the oldest and most powerful troll tribe in Azeroth.

  1. Zul’jin – “Great leader” (Zandali)
  2. Rokhan – “Spirit Walker” (Zandali)
  3. Talanji – “Princess of the Zandalari” (Zandali)
  4. Zekhan – “Young hero” (Zandali)
  5. Rezan – “Devilsaur Loa” (Zandali)
  6. Bwonsamdi – “God of the dead” (Zandali)
  7. Zul’arek – “Great shadow” (Zandali)
  8. Yazma – “High Priestess of Shadra” (Zandali)
  9. Krag’wa – “Loa of frogs” (Zandali)
  10. Loti – “High Priestess of Gonk” (Zandali)
  11. Zul’Farrak – “Sand city” (Zandali)
  12. Zul’Gurub – “Great city” (Zandali)
  13. Paku – “Loa of winds” (Zandali)
  14. Ra’al – “God of the Sun” (Zandali)
  15. Torcali – “Loa of dinosaurs” (Zandali)
  16. Gral – “Loa of the sea” (Zandali)
  17. Zul’Tore – “Iron leader” (Zandali)
  18. Gonk – “Loa of shapes” (Zandali)
  19. Zul’Zanda – “Resilient leader” (Zandali)
  20. Zandalar – “Original homeland” (Zandali)

Female Zandalari Troll Names

Walk with the wild power of the Zandalari with these inspiring female troll names, each reflecting the fierce dignity and wisdom of Azeroth’s oldest troll tribe.

  1. Talanji – “Princess of the Zandalari” (Zandali)
  2. Yazma – “High Priestess of Shadra” (Zandali)
  3. Loti – “High Priestess of Gonk” (Zandali)
  4. Zul’Aman – “Sanctuary of the Zandalari” (Zandali)
  5. Zul’Jin – “Spiritual leader” (Zandali)
  6. Zul’Farrak – “Sand fortress” (Zandali)
  7. Zandalar – “Original homeland” (Zandali)
  8. Zul’Maja – “Mighty queen” (Zandali)
  9. Zul’jinba – “Leader’s daughter” (Zandali)
  10. Shadra – “Spider goddess” (Zandali)
  11. Hir’eek – “Bat loa” (Zandali)
  12. Yan’zan – “Peaceful spirit” (Zandali)
  13. Zul’arek – “Great shadow” (Zandali)
  14. Zul’Vaka – “Quiet leader” (Zandali)
  15. Zul’Jaka – “Eternal leader” (Zandali)

Male Zandalari Troll Names

Venture into the heart of Zandalar with these robust Zandalari male troll names, each echoing the grandeur and ancient wisdom of Azeroth’s oldest troll tribe.

  1. Zul’jin – “Great leader” (Zandali)
  2. Rokhan – “Spirit walker” (Zandali)
  3. Zekhan – “Young hero” (Zandali)
  4. Rezan – “Devilsaur Loa” (Zandali)
  5. Bwonsamdi – “God of the dead” (Zandali)
  6. Zul’arek – “Great shadow” (Zandali)
  7. Zul’Farrak – “Sand city” (Zandali)
  8. Zul’Gurub – “Great city” (Zandali)
  9. Paku – “Loa of winds” (Zandali)
  10. Ra’al – “God of the Sun” (Zandali)
  11. Torcali – “Loa of dinosaurs” (Zandali)
  12. Gral – “Loa of the sea” (Zandali)
  13. Zul’Tore – “Iron leader” (Zandali)
  14. Gonk – “Loa of shapes” (Zandali)
  15. Zul’Zanda – “Resilient leader” (Zandali)
  16. Zandalar – “Original homeland” (Zandali)
  17. Xal’atoh – “Desecrated image of Gorehowl” (Zandali)
  18. Zul’rokh – “Star leader” (Zandali)
  19. Re’gal – “Sun chaser” (Zandali)
  20. Zul’jinak – “Great hunter” (Zandali)

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