Hawk Names – 150 Best Unique Ideas with Meanings

Are you the proud new owner of a noble raptor or just a bird lover exploring potential names for your future feathered companion?

Unveiling a list of the best names for hawks, we’ll guide you through a thrilling journey that intersects creativity, heritage, and the majestic world of these incredible creatures.

Explore this realm of hawk names, where every name embodies a story, every moniker a symbol of strength and freedom.

Explore majestic names for eagles, another formidable bird of prey.

Interesting Facts About Hawks

  • Hawks possess a spectacular vision that’s up to eight times sharper than humans. This keen eyesight allows them to spot even the smallest prey from hundreds of feet in the air.
  • There are more than 270 species of hawks worldwide, each boasting its unique traits and characteristics. These range from the powerful Red-tailed Hawk known for its aerial acrobatics to the petite Sharp-shinned Hawk, the smallest in North America.
  • Unlike many other birds, Hawks are known for their monogamous nature. They mate for life, and each year, these bonded pairs return to the same nest, continually adding new materials to their home.

Looking for names for other raptors? Check out our list of owl names.

How To Choose A Name For Your Hawk

When choosing a name for your hawk, consider its personality, species, or physical characteristics. You could opt for names that reflect their noble and powerful nature or go for a playful, quirky title that matches their inquisitive spirit.

If you’re inspired by mythology, names of deities or legendary figures associated with birds or the sky can be a perfect fit. Remember, a hawk’s name should resonate with its innate majesty and your unique bond with it. Happy naming!

What Do Hawks Symbolize?

Hawks, the masters of the sky, symbolize keen vision, courage, and resilience. These soaring symbols of freedom are truly a testament to nature’s unbound spirit. Here are some inspired names for your hawk and their meanings:

  1. Griffin – “Strong lord” (Welsh)
  2. Ayana – “Beautiful hawk” (Native American)
  3. Keen – “Sharp, eagle-eyed” (English)
  4. Arvid – “Eagle tree” (Scandinavian)
  5. Saker – Named after the Saker Falcon species (English)
  6. Talon – “Claw of a bird of prey” (English)
  7. Orion – “Son of fire, the hunter” (Greek)
  8. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  9. Cirrus – A type of cloud or feather (Latin)
  10. Thorondor – “King of Eagles” from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth (Fictional)
  11. Aella – “Whirlwind” (Greek)
  12. Skye – “Adventurous, free-spirited” (English)
  13. Raptor – “Bird of prey” (Latin)
  14. Jareth – “Bleak; a hawk or white hawk” (English)
  15. Huritt – “Handsome” (Native American)
  16. Altair – “The flyer” (Arabic)
  17. Bran – “Raven” (Celtic)
  18. Chayton – “Falcon” (Native American)
  19. Halcyon – “Kingfisher bird; peace and tranquility” (Greek)
  20. Zagan – From mythology, a great king and president of hell, who appears as a hawk (The Lesser Key of Solomon)

How To Choose A Hawk Name

Choosing a name for your hawk is a flight into the world of inspiration, be it their majesty, agility, or the symbolism they carry. Dive into this realm of expressions, selecting the one that best captures your hawk’s spirit. Here are twenty evocative names with meanings:

  1. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  2. Altair – “Bird” (Arabic)
  3. Apollo – “Destroyer” or “God of Sun and Light” (Greek)
  4. Zephyr – “God of the West Wind” (Greek)
  5. Aello – “Storm Wind, Whirlwind” (Greek)
  6. Aquila – “Eagle” (Latin)
  7. Aris – “Eagle Ruler” (Greek)
  8. Chayton – “Falcon” (Native American Sioux)
  9. Cirrus – “A type of cloud” or “curl of hair” (Latin)
  10. Vega – “Swooping Eagle” (Arabic)
  11. Talon – “Claw of bird of prey” (English)
  12. Dusky – “Dark, Shadowy” (English)
  13. Flare – “Blaze of Light” (English)
  14. Hawkeye – “Sharp Vision” (English)
  15. Falconer – “One who trains birds of prey” (English)
  16. Raptor – “Bird of prey” (Latin)
  17. Saker – A species of falcon (English)
  18. Kestrel – A type of small falcon (English)
  19. Swift – “Fast-flying bird” (English)
  20. Hunter – “One who hunts” (English)

Hawk Names

Every hawk carries a captivating presence, but some become famous and etched in our memories. Here are 15 names of famous hawks that have taken flight in literature, mythology, and popular culture:

  1. Horus – An ancient Egyptian god depicted as a falcon
  2. Zephyr – “God of the west wind” (Greek)
  3. Phoenix – “Dark red” or “mythical bird” (Greek)
  4. Skye – “Scholar” (English)
  5. Saker – Named after the Saker Falcon species (English)
  6. Aella – “Whirlwind” (Greek)
  7. Altair – “The flyer” (Arabic)
  8. Pegasus – “Springs” (Greek)
  9. Apollo – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  10. Griffin – “Strong lord” (Welsh)
  11. Horus – An ancient Egyptian god depicted as a falcon
  12. Zephyr – “God of the west wind” (Greek)
  13. Icarus – “Follower” (Greek)
  14. Phoenix – “Dark red” or “mythical bird” (Greek)
  15. Saker – Named after the Saker Falcon species (English)

Get inspired by our list of vulture names for another impressive bird of the skies.

Cool Hawk Names

Choosing a name for your hawk is like painting a portrait of its unique persona, strength, and free spirit. Plunge into this curated list of 20 cool names for your hawk that not only sound impressive but also carry deep meanings:

  1. Zephyr – “God of the west wind” (Greek)
  2. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  3. Phoenix – “Dark red” or “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  4. Talon – “Claw of a bird of prey” (English)
  5. Icarus – “Follower” (Greek)
  6. Griffin – “Strong lord” (Welsh)
  7. Vega – “Falling star” (Arabic)
  8. Aella – “Whirlwind” (Greek)
  9. Altair – “The flyer” (Arabic)
  10. Falcon – “Bird of prey” (English)
  11. Chayton – “Falcon” (Native American Sioux)
  12. Aris – “Eagle ruler” (Greek)
  13. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  14. Saker – Named after the Saker Falcon species (English)
  15. Kestrel – A type of small falcon (English)
  16. Lark – “Songbird” (English)
  17. Swift – “Fast-flying bird” (English)
  18. Skylar – “Scholar” (Dutch)
  19. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  20. Apollo – “Destroyer” (Greek)

Male Hawk Names And Their Meanings

Unveiling a world of strength and majesty, naming your male hawk is an exciting journey into the realm of powerful expressions. Here are 15 compelling names for your male hawk with their meanings:

  1. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  2. Griffin – “Strong lord” (Welsh)
  3. Zephyr – “West Wind” (Greek)
  4. Falcon – “Bird of Prey” (English)
  5. Phoenix – “Dark Red, Mythical Bird” (Greek)
  6. Talon – “Claw of a bird of prey” (English)
  7. Altair – “The flyer” (Arabic)
  8. Ajax – “Eagle” (Greek)
  9. Aleron – “Winged one” (Latin)
  10. Hawk – “Bird of Prey” (English)
  11. Icarus – “Follower” (Greek)
  12. Pegasus – “Spring” or “Well” (Greek)
  13. Thorondor – “King of Eagles” from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth (Fictional)
  14. Chayton – “Falcon” (Native American Sioux)
  15. Aris – “Eagle Ruler” (Greek)

For contrast, check out names for the delightful and tiny hummingbird.

Female Hawk Names With Meanings

Embarking on the journey of naming your female hawk? Dive into the world of expressions, each resonating with your feathered friend’s fierce beauty and grace. Here are 20 delightful names for your female hawk with their meanings:

  1. Atalanta – “Equal in weight” (Greek)
  2. Zephyra – “West wind” (Greek)
  3. Aella – “Whirlwind” (Greek)
  4. Freya – “Lady, Noble Woman” (Norse)
  5. Vega – “Falling Star” (Arabic)
  6. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  7. Minerva – “Goddess of wisdom” (Roman)
  8. Halcyon – “Kingfisher bird; peace and tranquility” (Greek)
  9. Skye – “Adventurous, free-spirited” (Scottish)
  10. Isis – “Throne; Goddess of life and magic” (Egyptian)
  11. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  12. Altaira – “Bird” (Arabic)
  13. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  14. Kestrel – A small falcon species (English)
  15. Lark – “Songbird” (English)
  16. Icarus – “Follower” (Greek)
  17. Echo – “Reflected Sound” (Greek)
  18. Hera – “Protector” (Greek)
  19. Althea – “Healer” (Greek)
  20. Andromeda – “Ruler of men” (Greek)

Funny Hawk Names

Adding a dash of humor to your hawk’s name can reflect its quirky personality or your shared playful moments. Here are 15 funny names for your hawk, ready to make you smile:

  1. Hawkward – A pun on “awkward”
  2. Hawk Hogan – After the famous wrestler Hulk Hogan
  3. Hawkahontas – A play on the name Pocahontas
  4. Hawkeye – “Sharp Vision” (English)
  5. Beakzilla – A pun on the monster “Godzilla”
  6. Feathers McGraw – A character from “Wallace and Gromit”
  7. Hawky Balboa – After the fictional boxer Rocky Balboa
  8. Hawkules – A pun on the demi-god “Hercules”
  9. Clawsome – A mix of “claws” and “awesome”
  10. Flappy Bird – After the popular mobile game
  11. Sir Swoops-a-lot – A made-up knightly title
  12. Lord of the Wings – A pun on the movie “Lord of the Rings”
  13. Tweety – After the famous cartoon character
  14. Birdie Sanders – A pun on politician Bernie Sanders
  15. Mr. Squawks – A made-up name portraying a hawk’s vocal nature

Remember, these names are intended to bring a bit of fun to your hawk’s identity. They might not carry traditional meanings as the names are often concocted for their humor!

Good Hawk Names

Naming your hawk is a flight of imagination, soaring through symbols of power, freedom, and majesty. Here are 20 good names for your hawk that capture these resonant meanings:

  1. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  2. Phoenix – “Dark red” or “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  3. Zephyr – “God of the west wind” (Greek)
  4. Talon – “Claw of a bird of prey” (English)
  5. Icarus – “Follower” (Greek)
  6. Griffin – “Strong lord” (Welsh)
  7. Vega – “Falling star” (Arabic)
  8. Aella – “Whirlwind” (Greek)
  9. Altair – “The flyer” (Arabic)
  10. Falcon – “Bird of prey” (English)
  11. Chayton – “Falcon” (Native American Sioux)
  12. Aris – “Eagle ruler” (Greek)
  13. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  14. Saker – Named after the Saker Falcon species (English)
  15. Kestrel – A type of small falcon (English)
  16. Lark – “Songbird” (English)
  17. Skylar – “Scholar” (Dutch)
  18. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  19. Apollo – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  20. Pegasus – “Springs” or “wells” (Greek)

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