Unique Half Orc Names: Top 480 Picks for Your Fantasy Creatures

Delving into the fantasy realm of half-orcs, we’ve prepared an exciting collection for you! Here, you’ll find over 70 of the best half-orc names to breathe life into your characters.

So, whether you’re a writer crafting epic tales, a roleplayer immersing in a D&D campaign, or just on the quest for inspiration, our treasure trove of half-orc names is sure to captivate your imagination.

Interesting Facts about Half-Orcs

  • Half-Orcs, a classic race in Dungeons & Dragons, are known for their physical prowess. Their unique heritage, a fusion of human adaptability and orcish strength, makes them formidable adversaries.
  • The lifespan of half-orcs is shorter than humans, typically living up to 75 years. This brevity of life makes them live each moment with intensity and fervor.
  • Half-orcs often straddle two worlds – human and orcish. This gives them a unique perspective, and their names often reflect this, combining elements of both cultures.

Choosing a Name for Your Half-Orc
When naming your half-orc character, delve into their backstory. Consider their heritage – is their human side or orcish side more dominant? Did they grow up among humans, orcs, or as outcasts? These factors can shape the name. Also, consider their personality traits, aspirations, and quirks. Remember, a name isn’t just a label; it’s an identity that carries a story and a sense of belonging. So, be thoughtful and let the name reflect the character’s journey and uniqueness.

Half-Orc Male Names

Immerse yourself in the world of male half-orcs, a fascinating blend of human intellect and orcish tenacity. Below are 40 names, each pulsating with their dynamic identities and heritage.

  1. Grom “Thunderous” (Orcish)
  2. Narzugon “Fearless warrior” (Orcish)
  3. Thogal “Unyielding shield” (Orcish)
  4. Edgar “Fortunate spear” (Human)
  5. Mogrul “Ferocious wolf” (Orcish)
  6. Bran “Raven” (Human)
  7. Kordun “Strong arm” (Orcish)
  8. Thrum “Powerful” (Orcish)
  9. Turgoth “Resilient” (Orcish)
  10. Yarognak “Mountain breaker” (Orcish)
  11. Kevdak “Defiant” (Orcish)
  12. Zogug “Iron fist” (Orcish)
  13. Tharak “Wild storm” (Orcish)
  14. Urdnot “Strong willed” (Orcish)
  15. Eadric “Rich in war” (Human)
  16. Gorsh “Brawny” (Orcish)
  17. Einar “One warrior” (Human)
  18. Varg “Wolf” (Human)
  19. Darak “Oak tree” (Orcish)
  20. Muzgash “Dark fire” (Orcish)
  21. Magnus “Great” (Human)
  22. Urgak “Fierce warrior” (Orcish)
  23. Nalthar “Powerful” (Orcish)
  24. Olav “Ancestor’s descendent” (Human)
  25. Zurok “Sturdy as stone” (Orcish)
  26. Tharg “Powerful” (Orcish)
  27. Harald “Army power” (Human)
  28. Zogar “Savage blade” (Orcish)
  29. Thrumog “Thundery power” (Orcish)
  30. Orzog “Golden” (Orcish)
  31. Rekag “Fierce” (Orcish)
  32. Thurg “Stone” (Orcish)
  33. Raguk “Leader” (Orcish)
  34. Zogthug “Iron heart” (Orcish)
  35. Durthang “Dark fortress” (Orcish)
  36. Koth “Brave” (Orcish)
  37. Bartholomew “Son of a farmer” (Human)
  38. Thargrim “Powerful protector” (Orcish)
  39. Borgakh “Brave” (Orcish)
  40. Ulfrik “Wolf power” (Human)

Each of these names echoes the unique blend of power, resilience, and distinctiveness of male half-orcs, beautifully melding human naming traditions with orcish characteristics.

Female Half-Orc

Dive into the fearless and inspiring realm of female half-orcs with our curated list. Each name echoes strength, resilience, and the unique fusion of their dual heritage.

  1. Gargra “Sturdy as stone” (Orcish)
  2. Hargul “Swift arrow” (Orcish)
  3. Maglubiyet “Dominant warrior” (Goblinoid)
  4. Muroka “Determined spirit” (Orcish)
  5. Ugreth “Bold leader” (Orcish)
  6. Yevelda “Wildflower” (Human)
  7. Zogbag “Brave heart” (Orcish)
  8. Thuraka “Mountain peak” (Orcish)
  9. Krolug “Strong arm” (Orcish)
  10. Balgub “Fierce bear” (Orcish)
  11. Faelivrin “Gleaming under the sun” (Elvish)
  12. Zarra “Rose” (Human)
  13. Orna “Pine tree” (Elvish)
  14. Elsbeth “God is my oath” (Human)
  15. Kreska “Battle glory” (Orcish)
  16. Arvandus “Indomitable” (Human)
  17. Orola “Golden” (Orcish)
  18. Ludraka “Wild flame” (Orcish)
  19. Tharivol “Strong as steel” (Elvish)
  20. Yuldra “Snowy” (Human)
  21. Gwyn “White” (Human)
  22. Turala “Bountiful harvest” (Orcish)
  23. Bertha “Bright, shining” (Human)
  24. Thraga “Fury of the storm” (Orcish)
  25. Ellaria “Sun-ray” (Elvish)
  26. Unathi “She who is with us” (Human)
  27. Cwen “Queen” (Human)
  28. Yaga “The bright one” (Orcish)
  29. Emeralda “Emerald” (Human)
  30. Gashnakh “Iron skin” (Orcish)
  31. Zelphise “Moon glow” (Elvish)
  32. Halmia “Strong fortress” (Human)
  33. Bhaltair “Strong as a warrior” (Human)
  34. Frathra “Free spirit” (Orcish)
  35. Thrym “Loud and boisterous” (Orcish)
  36. Luned “Idol, image” (Human)
  37. Thedra “Gift of the gods” (Orcish)
  38. Gwenda “White, fair” (Human)
  39. Illyana “Light” (Elvish)
  40. Zogstra “Fierce blade” (Orcish)

All of these names ring with the power and grace of the female half-orcs, embracing both their orcish strength and human creativity.

Half-Orc Barbarian Names

Steeped in raw power and primal energy, half-orc barbarians are truly a force to reckon with. These 40 names capture the thunderous strength and untamed spirit of these fierce warriors.

  1. Thrag “Unyielding” (Orcish)
  2. Khurg “The mountain” (Orcish)
  3. Gorn “Rough as a stone” (Orcish)
  4. Mok “The silent” (Orcish)
  5. Torog “Ruler of the underworld” (Orcish)
  6. Yurk “Dark one” (Orcish)
  7. Zorg “The savage” (Orcish)
  8. Urgak “Battle ready” (Orcish)
  9. Gruk “Fierce” (Orcish)
  10. Karug “Strength” (Orcish)
  11. Rhog “Relentless” (Orcish)
  12. Urug “Warrior” (Orcish)
  13. Gort “Mighty” (Orcish)
  14. Krol “Brave” (Orcish)
  15. Brutus “Heavy” (Human)
  16. Zagh “Sword” (Orcish)
  17. Brok “Powerful” (Orcish)
  18. Drukk “The durable” (Orcish)
  19. Kharag “Harsh” (Orcish)
  20. Thak “Fierce” (Orcish)
  21. Khrag “Bold” (Orcish)
  22. Mokdron “Silent striker” (Orcish)
  23. Grok “Violent” (Orcish)
  24. Skar “Scar” (Orcish)
  25. Torg “Stronghold” (Orcish)
  26. Gharol “Tough” (Orcish)
  27. Ugrat “The respected” (Orcish)
  28. Raguk “Chief” (Orcish)
  29. Thrak “Brutal” (Orcish)
  30. Krusk “Ferocious” (Orcish)
  31. Grunt “The sturdy” (English)
  32. Brak “Fast” (Orcish)
  33. Korgul “Strength of the mountain” (Orcish)
  34. Thargrim “Stone defender” (Orcish)
  35. Bhuk “Fearless” (Orcish)
  36. Ulgar “Renowned spear” (Human)
  37. Morkar “Shadow warrior” (Human)
  38. Bhrak “Thunder” (Orcish)
  39. Yargol “Raging storm” (Orcish)
  40. Gragnar “Grinning warrior” (Orcish)

Each name is a testament to their primal power and fierce spirit, exemplifying the fearlessness and rugged strength that characterizes these towering half-orc barbarians.

Funny Half Orc Names

Step into the lighter side of the half-orc world, where humor meets might. These 35 names offer a playful twist to the rugged image of half-orcs, proving that even warriors can have a chuckle!

  1. Orcward “Awkward Orc” (English)
  2. Snort “Powerful snore” (English)
  3. Toothache “An Orc with sensitive teeth” (English)
  4. Pudgywudgy “Cute and plump” (English)
  5. Nogginbog “Head in the bog” (English)
  6. Squabble “Argumentative” (English)
  7. Lump “Not so swift” (English)
  8. Lugnut “Heavy-headed” (English)
  9. Whiff “Smelly” (Orcish)
  10. Slobber “Saliva dripper” (English)
  11. Flapz “Large ears” (English)
  12. Pudge “Roundish” (English)
  13. Guffaw “Loud laugh” (English)
  14. Crumple “Always falling over” (English)
  15. Pipsqueak “Small but mighty” (English)
  16. Gobsmack “Constantly surprised” (English)
  17. Fumble “Butterfingers” (English)
  18. Wobble “Unsteady” (English)
  19. Bonkers “Crazy” (English)
  20. Grumble “Always complaining” (English)
  21. Groggy “Sleepy” (English)
  22. Noodle “Thin and flexible” (English)
  23. Booger “Dirty” (English)
  24. Squeal “High-pitched” (English)
  25. Bumble “Clumsy” (English)
  26. Snicker “Quietly laughing” (English)
  27. Lollygag “Slow and lazy” (English)
  28. Squint “Poor vision” (English)
  29. Fizz “Bubbly personality” (English)
  30. Tickles “Laughter bringer” (English)
  31. Chortle “Happy and laughing” (English)
  32. Tickletooth “Ticklish teeth” (English)
  33. Pratfall “Always tripping” (English)
  34. Flummox “Always confused” (English)
  35. Noodlelimbs “Flexible and agile” (English)

Each of these names holds a dash of humor, adding a vibrant hue to the intense palette of half-orc culture. After all, even in the fiercest of battles, a little laughter goes a long way!

Badass Half Orc Names

Unleash the raw power of half-orcs with these badass names, each reverberating with strength, fierceness, and indomitable spirit. Let’s explore the 35 most commanding half-orc names!

  1. Battlefury “Unstoppable in combat” (English)
  2. Skullcrusher “Crusher of skulls” (English)
  3. Steelbane “Destroyer of steel” (English)
  4. Goretusk “Sharp like a tusk” (Orcish)
  5. Stormwrath “Fury like a storm” (English)
  6. Goremaul “Smasher with ferocity” (Orcish)
  7. Ironjaw “Possessing a strong jaw” (English)
  8. Wargrinder “Crushing war opponents” (English)
  9. Razorback “Sharp and unyielding” (English)
  10. Thunderhowl “Roar as loud as thunder” (English)
  11. Bonecleaver “Divider of bones” (English)
  12. Deathbrand “Marked by death” (English)
  13. Fireheart “Passionate as fire” (English)
  14. Blooddrinker “Consumer of blood” (English)
  15. Nighthowl “A powerful call in the dark” (English)
  16. Ashmaker “Creator of destruction” (English)
  17. Flamebearer “Carrier of fire” (English)
  18. Wolfsnarl “Ferocious as a wolf” (Orcish)
  19. Frostmaul “Cold and brutal” (English)
  20. Stonefist “Fist as hard as stone” (English)
  21. Warbringer “Bringer of conflict” (English)
  22. Stormrage “Anger of the storm” (English)
  23. Beastbane “Destroyer of beasts” (English)
  24. Hellshriek “Scream of the underworld” (English)
  25. Shadowrend “Tearing through shadows” (English)
  26. Hellscream “Hell’s own cry” (Orcish)
  27. Flamebringer “Bringer of fire” (English)
  28. Gritjaw “Determined, steadfast” (English)
  29. Earthshaker “One who shakes the earth” (English)
  30. Blightbane “Destroyer of plague” (English)
  31. Iceheart “Cold and ruthless” (English)
  32. Gloomhowl “Howl of the darkness” (English)
  33. Nightslayer “Slayer in the dark” (English)
  34. Doomhammer “Hammer of fate” (Orcish)
  35. Frostreaver “Reaper in the cold” (English)

These names echo the fierce spirit and tenacity of half-orcs, standing tall in the face of any adversity. They are not just labels, but powerful titles that inspire awe and respect.

Dnd Half-Orc Names

In the vast and varied realm of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD), half-orcs stand as a beacon of strength and determination. Let’s explore 35 names that embody their rugged resilience and vibrant culture.

  1. Grom “Thunderous” (Orcish)
  2. Borgakh “Brave” (Orcish)
  3. Thrumog “Thundery power” (Orcish)
  4. Garok “Firm and strong” (Orcish)
  5. Nog “Wisdom” (Orcish)
  6. Dushnikh “Honor-bound” (Orcish)
  7. Rhog “Relentless” (Orcish)
  8. Mokrul “Silent strength” (Orcish)
  9. Yar “Fearless” (Orcish)
  10. Varg “Wolf” (Human)
  11. Sharg “Worthy” (Orcish)
  12. Karash “Swift” (Orcish)
  13. Gruumsh “God of orcs” (Orcish)
  14. Durak “Steady” (Orcish)
  15. Nok “Brave” (Orcish)
  16. Zog “Warrior” (Orcish)
  17. Thag “Stubborn” (Orcish)
  18. Brak “Fast” (Orcish)
  19. Mog “Strong” (Orcish)
  20. Grish “Fierce” (Orcish)
  21. Ulag “Reliable” (Orcish)
  22. Gorg “Mighty” (Orcish)
  23. Kresh “Victorious” (Orcish)
  24. Edgar “Fortunate spear” (Human)
  25. Olav “Ancestor’s descendant” (Human)
  26. Harald “Army power” (Human)
  27. Thargrim “Powerful protector” (Orcish)
  28. Bartholomew “Son of a farmer” (Human)
  29. Ulfrik “Wolf power” (Human)
  30. Magnus “Great” (Human)
  31. Einar “One warrior” (Human)
  32. Bran “Raven” (Human)
  33. Eadric “Rich in war” (Human)
  34. Rurik “Famous power” (Human)
  35. Baldur “Bold warrior” (Human)

Each of these names resonates with the vibrancy of half-orc heritage in DnD, holding a unique blend of human and orcish characteristics that defines their distinct identity.

Male Dnd Half Orc Names

Imposing and mighty, half-orc males are a formidable presence in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons. These 40 names pay tribute to their indomitable spirit and raw strength.

  1. Grognak “Mighty and fierce” (Orcish)
  2. Vargok “Strong as a wolf” (Orcish)
  3. Thrum “Thunderous power” (Orcish)
  4. Moknarr “Silent fury” (Orcish)
  5. Braknar “Fast warrior” (Orcish)
  6. Ghorg “Unyielding” (Orcish)
  7. Yarrum “Fearless leader” (Orcish)
  8. Shoggu “Swift and decisive” (Orcish)
  9. Morg “Strength” (Orcish)
  10. Krag “Brave” (Orcish)
  11. Grommash “Giant destroyer” (Orcish)
  12. Durotan “Loyal heart” (Orcish)
  13. Zogbog “Warrior of the marshes” (Orcish)
  14. Borug “Raging tempest” (Orcish)
  15. Noggrim “Wise defender” (Orcish)
  16. Fharog “Proud” (Orcish)
  17. Ghazan “The relentless” (Orcish)
  18. Shargul “Worthy champion” (Orcish)
  19. Krorg “Victorious” (Orcish)
  20. Ulag “Trustworthy” (Orcish)
  21. Einar “Warrior” (Human)
  22. Magnus “Great” (Human)
  23. Leif “Heir” (Human)
  24. Gunnar “Warrior” (Human)
  25. Rurik “Famous ruler” (Human)
  26. Torsten “Thor’s stone” (Human)
  27. Bjorn “Bear” (Human)
  28. Arnulf “Eagle power” (Human)
  29. Sigurd “Victory guardian” (Human)
  30. Harald “Army power” (Human)
  31. Ragnar “Army advice” (Human)
  32. Ivar “Bow warrior” (Human)
  33. Vidar “Forest warrior” (Human)
  34. Sten “Stone” (Human)
  35. Knut “Knot” (Human)
  36. Lars “Laurel” (Human)
  37. Olaf “Ancestor’s heir” (Human)
  38. Arvid “Eagle tree” (Human)
  39. Torgeir “Thor’s spear” (Human)
  40. Erik “Eternal ruler” (Human)

Each of these names echoes the vigor and intensity of male half-orcs in DnD, setting the stage for powerful narratives and memorable adventures.

Female D&D Half Orc Names

Bearing a striking blend of ferocity and grace, half-orc females are a formidable presence in the rich tapestry of Dungeons and Dragons. Here are 40 names that resonate with their indomitable spirit and vibrant culture.

  1. Groma “Thunder’s echo” (Orcish)
  2. Varga “Wolf mother” (Orcish)
  3. Moksha “Silent force” (Orcish)
  4. Braka “Swift wind” (Orcish)
  5. Shogra “Worthy of honor” (Orcish)
  6. Yarra “Bold and fearless” (Orcish)
  7. Zogna “Warrior princess” (Orcish)
  8. Ghora “Unyielding” (Orcish)
  9. Morga “Strong heart” (Orcish)
  10. Kraga “Brave spirit” (Orcish)
  11. Nogra “Wise leader” (Orcish)
  12. Ula “Gem of the sea” (Human)
  13. Sigga “Victory bearer” (Human)
  14. Thora “Thunder goddess” (Human)
  15. Astrid “Divinely beautiful” (Human)
  16. Bruna “Armor, protection” (Human)
  17. Frida “Peace” (Human)
  18. Greta “Pearl” (Human)
  19. Ingrid “Beautiful” (Human)
  20. Karin “Pure” (Human)
  21. Linnea “Twinflower” (Human)
  22. Matilda “Battle-mighty” (Human)
  23. Nova “New” (Human)
  24. Orla “Golden princess” (Human)
  25. Petra “Rock” (Human)
  26. Ragna “Advice, counsel” (Human)
  27. Signe “New victory” (Human)
  28. Ulrika “Ruler of all” (Human)
  29. Yrsa “She-bear” (Human)
  30. Zara “Radiant” (Human)
  31. Thagga “Stubborn” (Orcish)
  32. Ghruna “Mighty” (Orcish)
  33. Norga “Brave” (Orcish)
  34. Urzog “Proud warrior” (Orcish)
  35. Fhara “Respected” (Orcish)
  36. Khraga “Bold” (Orcish)
  37. Gragha “Fierce” (Orcish)
  38. Drogga “The durable” (Orcish)
  39. Bhurga “Thunder” (Orcish)
  40. Yargga “Raging storm” (Orcish)

These names mirror the unique character and resilience of half-orc females in D&D, setting the stage for captivating stories and epic adventures.

Male half-orc names Pathfinder

Embarking on epic quests and battling fierce foes, the male half-orcs of Pathfinder carry names that echo with strength and resilience. Let’s unveil 35 such names that underscore their indomitable spirit.

  1. Kormak “Unyielding strength” (Orcish)
  2. Ghuraz “Battle cleaver” (Orcish)
  3. Throgar “Thunder’s echo” (Orcish)
  4. Morug “Dark stone” (Orcish)
  5. Zogrin “Warrior’s fury” (Orcish)
  6. Yarkul “Fearless leader” (Orcish)
  7. Dragnok “Fire fist” (Orcish)
  8. Shagluk “Speedy blade” (Orcish)
  9. Urgar “War god” (Orcish)
  10. Brakus “Swift wind” (Orcish)
  11. Gragol “Fierce gaze” (Orcish)
  12. Khrug “Victorious” (Orcish)
  13. Zorag “The defender” (Orcish)
  14. Kurog “Mountain king” (Orcish)
  15. Noghrin “Wise elder” (Orcish)
  16. Torog “Brave heart” (Orcish)
  17. Rhogok “Spear hand” (Orcish)
  18. Borgath “Bear strength” (Orcish)
  19. Ugoth “Great warrior” (Orcish)
  20. Grakor “Bloodied battle” (Orcish)
  21. Tharag “Steel skin” (Orcish)
  22. Magnus “Great” (Human)
  23. Einar “Lone warrior” (Human)
  24. Bjorn “Bear” (Human)
  25. Leif “Heir, descendant” (Human)
  26. Arvid “Eagle tree” (Human)
  27. Harald “Army ruler” (Human)
  28. Torsten “Thor’s stone” (Human)
  29. Rurik “Famous power” (Human)
  30. Ivar “Bow warrior” (Human)
  31. Vidar “Forest warrior” (Human)
  32. Ragnar “Army advice” (Human)
  33. Lars “Laurel” (Human)
  34. Knut “Knot” (Human)
  35. Erik “Eternal ruler” (Human)

These names embody the characteristic strength and courage of male half-orcs in Pathfinder, making them a perfect fit for heroes braving the treacherous terrains of this fantasy world.

Female Half Orc Names Pathfinder

In the riveting world of Pathfinder, female half-orcs stand as symbols of unyielding strength and commanding presence. Here are 40 names, each resonating with the fierce spirit of these resilient heroines.

  1. Ghorza “Thunderbolt” (Orcish)
  2. Murga “Dark moon” (Orcish)
  3. Kasha “Fire heart” (Orcish)
  4. Braga “Swift wind” (Orcish)
  5. Yarza “Fearless” (Orcish)
  6. Zogna “War maiden” (Orcish)
  7. Ghura “Unyielding” (Orcish)
  8. Shagga “Quick blade” (Orcish)
  9. Urga “Battle goddess” (Orcish)
  10. Grasha “Fierce eyes” (Orcish)
  11. Khora “Victory” (Orcish)
  12. Nogra “Wise” (Orcish)
  13. Borgha “Strong as a bear” (Orcish)
  14. Ugotha “Great warrior” (Orcish)
  15. Grakha “Bloodied battle” (Orcish)
  16. Thara “Steel skin” (Orcish)
  17. Ingrid “Beautiful” (Human)
  18. Astrid “Godly strength” (Human)
  19. Signe “Victorious” (Human)
  20. Thora “Thunder” (Human)
  21. Ragna “Warrior goddess” (Human)
  22. Linnea “Twinflower” (Human)
  23. Karin “Pure” (Human)
  24. Birgit “Strength” (Human)
  25. Freya “Lady” (Human)
  26. Dagmar “Glorious day” (Human)
  27. Elin “Torch of light” (Human)
  28. Hilda “Battle woman” (Human)
  29. Ida “Hardworking” (Human)
  30. Kirsten “Follower of Christ” (Human)
  31. Lisbet “God’s promise” (Human)
  32. Maren “Sea” (Human)
  33. Solveig “House of strength” (Human)
  34. Unn “Love” (Human)
  35. Ylva “She-wolf” (Human)
  36. Dagrun “Secret lore” (Human)
  37. Hedvig “War” (Human)
  38. Ingri “Enclosure” (Human)
  39. Margit “Pearl” (Human)
  40. Sigrun “Victory rune” (Human)

Each of these names echo the dynamic and powerful nature of Pathfinder’s female half-orcs, ready to carve their own destiny in this high-fantasy universe.

Half Orc Name Generator

Dive into the realm of half-orcs with our specially crafted name generator, designed to echo the strength and honor of these magnificent beings. Let’s discover 35 such distinctive names, each bearing its unique resonance in the annals of high fantasy.

  1. Zarka “Iron will” (Orcish)
  2. Moruk “Dark storm” (Orcish)
  3. Dranosh “Heart of Draenor” (Orcish)
  4. Grimgor “Stern wrath” (Orcish)
  5. Bharg “Strength” (Orcish)
  6. Grommash “Giant heart” (Orcish)
  7. Kargath “Sharp mind” (Orcish)
  8. Nekros “Death” (Orcish)
  9. Durotan “Strong leader” (Orcish)
  10. Zuluhed “Shadow hunter” (Orcish)
  11. Eitrigg “True heart” (Orcish)
  12. Ragnok “Fire fist” (Orcish)
  13. Shagra “Thunder” (Orcish)
  14. Mok’Nathal “Beast master” (Orcish)
  15. Throm-Ka “Well met” (Orcish)
  16. Kagra “Fierce eyes” (Orcish)
  17. Urok “Great” (Orcish)
  18. Vorgar “Wild heart” (Orcish)
  19. Zegron “Bold striker” (Orcish)
  20. Grukk “Loud” (Orcish)
  21. Dregmar “Runeaxe” (Orcish)
  22. Thurgon “Stone heart” (Orcish)
  23. Ogrim “Strong hand” (Orcish)
  24. Morkul “Dark blade” (Orcish)
  25. Ghorr “Warrior” (Orcish)
  26. Or’Zul “Mighty shadow” (Orcish)
  27. Gor’Kresh “Honor bound” (Orcish)
  28. Mograine “Blood rain” (Orcish)
  29. Urgor “Mighty war god” (Orcish)
  30. Skorn “Vengeance” (Orcish)
  31. Grok’Thul “Fearless death” (Orcish)
  32. Drek’Thar “Iron vision” (Orcish)
  33. Gorn “Steel” (Orcish)
  34. Krom “Strong arm” (Orcish)
  35. Korgal “Storm fist” (Orcish)

These names resonate with the heroic valor and fierce strength of half-orcs, defining their unique identity in the grand tapestry of fantasy.

Half-Orc Last Names

In the world of high fantasy, Half-Orc last names often carry a deeper meaning, symbolizing their lineage, heritage, and personal achievements. Here are 40 such powerful surnames, each resonating with the indomitable spirit of the half-orcs.

  1. Thunderfoot “Heavy and powerful stride” (Orcish)
  2. Ironhide “Impenetrable defense” (Orcish)
  3. Firespear “Fiery combatant” (Orcish)
  4. Stormbringer “Harbinger of chaos” (Orcish)
  5. Skullcrusher “Dominant in battle” (Orcish)
  6. Wolfsbane “Slayer of wolves” (Orcish)
  7. Steelbane “Destroyer of weapons” (Orcish)
  8. Beastmaster “Tamer of beasts” (Orcish)
  9. Gorehand “Bloody in battle” (Orcish)
  10. Bearheart “Brave and courageous” (Orcish)
  11. Grimsight “Serious, stern gaze” (Orcish)
  12. Bloodaxe “Savage warrior” (Orcish)
  13. Stonefist “Solid and unyielding” (Orcish)
  14. Ragefoot “Quick to anger” (Orcish)
  15. Warbringer “Harbinger of battles” (Orcish)
  16. Blackblade “Deadly fighter” (Orcish)
  17. Hammerfall “Powerful impact” (Orcish)
  18. Bonebreaker “Forceful in battle” (Orcish)
  19. Boulderchest “Steadfast, resilient” (Orcish)
  20. Dragonbane “Slayer of dragons” (Orcish)
  21. Eagleeye “Sharp and perceptive” (Orcish)
  22. Fireblood “Fiery spirit” (Orcish)
  23. Grimface “Stern demeanor” (Orcish)
  24. Hardstone “Unyielding and tough” (Orcish)
  25. Ironjaw “Stubborn, resolute” (Orcish)
  26. Jaggedscar “Bears a jagged battle scar” (Orcish)
  27. Moonscream “Loud and powerful” (Orcish)
  28. Nightbringer “Bringer of darkness” (Orcish)
  29. Oakenheart “Strong and reliable” (Orcish)
  30. Quickblade “Fast in combat” (Orcish)
  31. Rockshatter “Breaker of obstacles” (Orcish)
  32. Shadowsight “Stealthy, elusive” (Orcish)
  33. Thunderclaw “Powerful and striking” (Orcish)
  34. Windrunner “Swift and agile” (Orcish)
  35. Stonehammer “Strong and enduring” (Orcish)
  36. Frostbane “Defeater of cold” (Orcish)
  37. Wolfsbane “Vanquisher of wolves” (Orcish)
  38. Gravewalker “One who walks among the dead” (Orcish)
  39. Flameheart “Passionate, fiery spirit” (Orcish)
  40. Stormcaller “Invoker of storms” (Orcish)

These names embody the hardiness and tenacity of the half-orcs, leaving a lasting impression on everyone they cross paths with.

Half Orc Names FAQ

How are half-orcs named?

Half-orcs are typically given names that reflect the culture of their orcish parent. These names often carry a powerful meaning, typically invoking strength, bravery, or elements of nature. They may also carry a title or descriptor, like a nickname or surname, that represents a significant event, personal characteristic, or achievement in their life. These can include descriptors like “Bonebreaker” or “Stormbringer,” reflecting the prowess of the half-orc in battle or their nature.

In cases where the half-orc is raised primarily among humans or another race, they may be given a name typical to that culture. Similarly, a half-orc who wishes to blend into a society outside of their orcish heritage may choose to go by a different name, in line with that culture’s naming customs.

Can half-orcs have human names?

Yes, half-orcs can indeed have human names. This is particularly common when a half-orc is born and raised in a predominantly human community. The human name can help the half-orc blend in more easily with human society, reducing the prejudice they might face. Furthermore, a half-orc with a human parent may also carry a human name to honor that side of their lineage. The human names can be a blend of the cultural naming conventions of their human heritage and the typically strong, resounding phonetic elements of orcish names.

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