Welcome to Name Awe! Just like we care about finding the perfect name for your pet, we also care about your online experience. Our Cookie Policy is here to explain how we use cookies and similar technologies to make your visit to Name Awe as awesome as your pet’s name.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed on your device when you visit a website. They’re like little helpers, making your online experience smoother. They remember your preferences, so you don’t have to re-enter information every time you visit.

Why We Use Cookies

At Name Awe, we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience. They help us understand how you use our site, which allows us to improve and tailor it to your needs. Here’s what cookies do for you on our site:

  • Remembering Your Preferences: So the site works the way you expect.
  • Understanding Website Traffic: To see what’s popular and how we can improve.
  • Improving Performance: Making sure our website is running smoothly.

Your Choices

Your privacy is important to us. You can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings, but remember, this might affect how our website works. For more information on managing cookies, you can visit How to Manage Cookies.

Third-Party Cookies

We might use third-party services on our website, like analytics tools. These services might also use cookies. Note that we don’t control these third-party cookies, so we suggest checking the third party’s website for more information.

Updates to Our Cookie Policy

We may update this policy occasionally. We encourage you to revisit it regularly to stay informed about how we use cookies.


Got questions about our Cookie Policy? Feel free to contact us through our website. We’re here to help!

Thanks for visiting Name Awe!

We hope you find the perfect name for your pet and enjoy your time on our site. Remember, like a good pet name, a good browsing experience is all about personal touch, and cookies help us do just that.