Ultimate Guide: 170 Intriguing Capybara Names with Meanings

Welcome to the ultimate guide to capybara naming! Are you a proud pet parent of the largest rodent in the world? Or planning to adopt one? Then you’re in the right place.

Discover creative, funny, and unique capybara names to help your furry friend stand out in the crowd. Let’s dive into the world of capybaras!

Interesting facts about Capybaras:

  • Despite being classified as rodents, capybaras have more in common with guinea pigs than with rats or mice. They even communicate using a series of purrs, barks, and whistles similar to guinea pigs!
  • Capybaras are semi-aquatic creatures, hailing from the grasslands and wetlands of South America. They’re superb swimmers, able to stay underwater for up to five minutes at a time!
  • Interestingly, capybaras are social animals that live in groups ranging from 10 to 100. This communal lifestyle is rare among rodents, showcasing just how unique capybaras truly are.

Choosing a Capybara Name:

Choosing a name for your capybara should reflect its distinctive personality and size. Consider its characteristics, mannerisms, or physical features. Maybe a name that speaks to their South American roots? Or one inspired by their love of water?

Think about their curious nature, playful personality, or relaxed demeanor. A clever or funny name can also add a touch of humor to your capybara’s identity. Remember, a capybara name should be easy to pronounce and resonate with its unique charm!

Capybara Names

Dive into the fascinating world of capybaras and discover unique names that match their playful and captivating nature!

  1. Rio: “River” (Spanish) – A perfect name for a capybara, considering their love for water!
  2. Rolo: “Famous throughout the land” (Teutonic) – To highlight your capybara’s standout size among rodents.
  3. Sol: “Sun” (Spanish) – For your bright, sunny-side-up capybara.
  4. Chiquita: “Little one” (Spanish) – An ironic yet cute name for your large rodent friend.
  5. Sombra: “Shadow” (Portuguese) – Reflective of their darker fur and quiet demeanor.
  6. Moksha: “Liberation” (Sanskrit) – A spiritual name for your capybara, known for their peaceful nature.
  7. Andes: Named after the Andes Mountains, representing their South American origin.
  8. Pacha: “Earth” (Quechua) – An earthy name for your capybara who loves to dig!
  9. Orinoco: Named after the Orinoco River in South America, a natural habitat for capybaras.
  10. Chapo: “Short” (Spanish) – A playful, ironic name for these large, squat rodents.
  11. Sabio: “Wise” (Spanish) – For your wise-looking, calm capybara.
  12. Caiman: Named after the Caiman, another South American native, ideal for a capybara who loves water as much as caimans do!
  13. Feliz: “Happy” (Portuguese) – Apt for a capybara, which always seems to be content and cheerful.
  14. Amazonas: Named after the Amazon rainforest where capybaras live.
  15. Estrella: “Star” (Spanish) – For the star of your pet family, the lovely capybara!

How To Choose A Name For A Capybara

Get ready to christen your capybara with a name as distinctive as their character and charm! Here are 15 whimsical names for your delightfully unique pet:

  1. Bamba: “Brave as a bear” (Latin) – For your daring, adventurous capybara.
  2. Risa: “Laughter” (Spanish) – Apt for a capybara with a bubbly, playful personality.
  3. Rio: “River” (Portuguese) – Reflects their affinity for water.
  4. Fuego: “Fire” (Spanish) – For your energetic, fiery capybara.
  5. Zorro: “Fox” (Spanish) – A playful, ironic name for these large, cuddly rodents.
  6. Paz: “Peace” (Spanish) – A serene name for your peaceful capybara.
  7. Alma: “Soul” (Spanish) – Because your capybara is not just a pet, but a part of your soul.
  8. Mariposa: “Butterfly” (Spanish) – A whimsical name for a light-hearted capybara.
  9. Sol: “Sun” (Spanish) – Reflective of your capybara’s radiant personality.
  10. Luna: “Moon” (Spanish) – For a capybara with a calm, tranquil demeanor.
  11. Orion: Named after the prominent constellation, for a capybara that shines in your life.
  12. Miel: “Honey” (Spanish) – A sweet name for a sweet-natured capybara.
  13. Vida: “Life” (Spanish) – As your capybara brings so much life into your home!
  14. Nieve: “Snow” (Spanish) – A cool name for your cool companion.
  15. Montaña: “Mountain” (Spanish) – An imposing name for the largest rodent in the world.

Cute Capybara Names

Finding a cute name for your adorable capybara is a delightful task. Here are 15 charming names that will suit your little furball perfectly!

  1. Cuddles: “Affectionate hugs” (English) – For a capybara who loves to cuddle.
  2. Puddles: “Small pool of water” (English) – Perfect for a capybara who can’t resist a good splash.
  3. Bubbles: “Air-filled spheres in liquid” (English) – Reflective of your capybara’s playful and bubbly nature.
  4. Sprinkles: “Tiny particles or droplets scattered” (English) – For a capybara who sprinkles joy wherever they go.
  5. Honey: “Sweet, viscous food substance” (English) – For your sweet-natured pet.
  6. Snuggles: “Lie or cuddle closely” (English) – Perfect for a capybara who loves to snuggle.
  7. Cookie: “Small sweet cake” (English) – An endearing name for a small, sweet capybara.
  8. Muffin: “Small baked product” (English) – A sweet and affectionate name for a capybara.
  9. Twinkles: “Shines with a gleaming light” (English) – Reflects the spark of joy your capybara brings.
  10. Wiggles: “Moves with quick, short movements” (English) – Ideal for a lively, energetic capybara.
  11. Doodles: “Draw or scribble absentmindedly” (English) – For a capybara with a whimsical personality.
  12. Poppet: “Small or endearing person” (English) – A cute name for your beloved pet.
  13. Squishy: “Soft and yielding to the touch” (English) – For a soft, cuddly capybara.
  14. Gumdrop: “Small sugar candy” (English) – A sweet name for your sweet pet.
  15. Tootsie: “Foot or toe” (English) – A playful name for your playful capybara!

Male Capybara Names

Let’s find a name that encapsulates the unique spirit of your male capybara! Here are 15 names that capture their strength, charm, and adorable quirkiness:

  1. Río: “River” (Spanish) – Perfect for a capybara who loves the water.
  2. Atlas: Named after the titan who held up the sky (Greek) – A strong, powerful name for a large, strong pet.
  3. Sombra: “Shadow” (Spanish) – For a capybara with darker fur or a quiet personality.
  4. Titan: “Giant” (Greek) – An ironic and imposing name for the world’s largest rodent.
  5. Pepito: “God will add” (Spanish) – An endearing name for a beloved capybara.
  6. Lucio: “Light” (Italian) – For a capybara who brings light to your life.
  7. Amigo: “Friend” (Spanish) – A simple, warm name for your capybara companion.
  8. Tormenta: “Storm” (Spanish) – For a capybara with a lively, stormy personality.
  9. Bravo: “Brave” (Italian) – An ideal name for your brave and adventurous capybara.
  10. Sonrisa: “Smile” (Spanish) – A sweet name for a capybara who always brings a smile to your face.
  11. Maximus: “Greatest” (Latin) – Reflects your capybara’s size and personality.
  12. Sol: “Sun” (Spanish) – For a capybara who radiates happiness and warmth.
  13. Cielo: “Sky” (Spanish) – A lofty name for your extraordinary pet.
  14. Arco: “Arch” (Italian) – Named after their arched body shape.
  15. Everest: Named after the highest peak in the world (English) – For a capybara who loves to climb and explore.

Female Capybara Names

Unleash your creativity and find a name that captures the essence of your lovely lady capybara! Here are 15 fabulous names to inspire you:

  1. Luna: “Moon” (Spanish) – Perfect for a calm, serene capybara.
  2. Bella: “Beautiful” (Italian) – A simple yet elegant name for your lovely capybara.
  3. Mariposa: “Butterfly” (Spanish) – For the light and bubbly personality of your capybara.
  4. Rosa: “Rose” (Spanish) – A classic, feminine name for your gentle pet.
  5. Dulce: “Sweet” (Spanish) – For a capybara with a sweet nature.
  6. Joya: “Jewel” (Spanish) – Because your female capybara is a priceless gem.
  7. Margarita: “Daisy” (Spanish) – An endearing name for a capybara who brings joy and freshness to your life.
  8. Solana: “Sunlight” (Spanish) – To match the radiant and bright personality of your capybara.
  9. Chiquita: “Little one” (Spanish) – An affectionate, ironic name for your large, beloved pet.
  10. Esperanza: “Hope” (Spanish) – As your capybara brings so much hope and joy into your life.
  11. Lluvia: “Rain” (Spanish) – For a capybara who loves to frolic in the water.
  12. Stella: “Star” (Italian) – For a capybara who shines in your life.
  13. Melodia: “Melody” (Italian) – For a capybara who communicates through a series of charming sounds.
  14. Grazia: “Grace” (Italian) – To reflect the gracious and serene nature of your pet.
  15. Serena: “Calm, peaceful” (Latin) – Ideal for a capybara known for their peaceful, calm demeanor.

Unisex Capybara Names

Find a name that suits your capybara’s charisma and charm, regardless of gender. Here are 15 fabulous unisex names that would fit any capybara!

  1. Río: “River” (Spanish) – Ideal for a water-loving capybara.
  2. Cielo: “Sky” (Spanish) – A high-reaching name for your extraordinary pet.
  3. Dulce: “Sweet” (Spanish) – Perfect for a sweet-natured capybara.
  4. Brisa: “Breeze” (Spanish) – For a capybara who moves with the grace of a gentle wind.
  5. Llave: “Key” (Spanish) – For the capybara who holds the key to your heart.
  6. Sol: “Sun” (Spanish) – For a capybara that brings warmth and joy into your life.
  7. Luna: “Moon” (Spanish) – A lovely name for a tranquil, night-loving capybara.
  8. Mar: “Sea” (Spanish) – For a capybara who adores swimming and water activities.
  9. Nube: “Cloud” (Spanish) – Reflective of a fluffy, cuddly capybara.
  10. Tesoro: “Treasure” (Spanish) – Because your capybara is a priceless gem in your life.
  11. Oasis: “Safe haven” (English) – For a capybara who provides comfort and tranquility.
  12. Echo: “Sound” (Greek) – For a capybara known for its distinctive vocalizations.
  13. Eden: “Delight” (Hebrew) – Reflective of the delight your capybara brings into your life.
  14. Sereno: “Serene” (Italian) – Ideal for a capybara known for their peaceful, calm demeanor.
  15. Cosmo: “Universe” (Greek) – For a capybara that is the center of your universe!

Good Capybara Names

Choosing a good name for your capybara is a delightful step towards establishing your bond. Here are 15 endearing names to consider for your unique pet:

  1. Cocoa: “Theobroma cacao plant” (English) – Perfect for a capybara with a rich, brown coat.
  2. River: “A large natural watercourse” (English) – Apt for capybaras, who love to be near water.
  3. Harmony: “Agreement, concord” (English) – Capybaras are known for living peacefully with other animals.
  4. Oasis: “Fertile spot in a desert” (English) – For a capybara that brings calm and joy into your life.
  5. Sunshine: “Sunlight, brightness” (English) – For a capybara who brings light and joy to your day.
  6. Pebbles: “Small, smooth stones” (English) – A cute name that fits a capybara’s love for lazing by the water.
  7. Whiskers: “Long projecting hair or bristle near the mouth” (English) – Reflective of the capybara’s distinctive facial features.
  8. Pampas: “Grassland” (Spanish) – Capybaras are native to the pampas of South America.
  9. Samba: “Brazilian dance of African origin” (Portuguese) – A fun, lively name, reflective of capybaras’ native habitat.
  10. Puddle: “Small amount of water on the ground” (English) – Ideal for a capybara who loves to play in water.
  11. Serenity: “State of being calm, peaceful” (English) – Capybaras are known for their serene nature.
  12. Meadow: “Piece of grassland” (English) – Reflects the natural habitat of capybaras.
  13. Breeze: “A gentle wind” (English) – A light, airy name for your gentle pet.
  14. Rumble: “Deep resonant sound” (English) – Capybaras make a variety of noises, including purring sounds that can be compared to a rumble.
  15. Dreamer: “One who dreams or daydreams” (English) – Perfect for a capybara who loves to laze around.

Famous Capybara Names

Give your capybara a dash of stardom by naming them after famous capybaras! Here are 15 names of capybaras that have gained a degree of fame:

  1. Caplin Rous: Caplin was a beloved pet capybara who became famous through social media. (English)
  2. Garibaldi Rous: Garibaldi, or “Gari”, was Caplin’s younger brother and equally as adored online. (Italian)
  3. Cheesecake: Cheesecake became famous for fostering puppies at Rocky Ridge Refuge. (English)
  4. Dobby: Dobby is a popular capybara at the Nagasaki Bio Park in Japan. He was named after the character from the Harry Potter series. (English)
  5. Romeo: Romeo was a famous capybara living in the Saitama Children’s Zoo in Japan. (English)
  6. Capybaras of High Park: These capybaras became famous when they escaped from a zoo in Toronto and spent weeks on the run. (English)
  7. Bonnie and Clyde: The names of the capybaras who escaped from High Park Zoo in Toronto. (English)
  8. JoeJoe: JoeJoe was a popular capybara who was famous on social media. (English)
  9. Chewy: Chewy is a capybara who lives at the Reid Park Zoo and is beloved by visitors. (English)
  10. Capy and Babybara: These capybaras live in the Yorkshire Wildlife Park and are popular with visitors. (English)
  11. Yasushi: Yasushi is a capybara who is famous in Japan for his relaxing hot spring baths. (Japanese)
  12. Tuff’n: Tuff’n is a famous capybara from the Rocky Ridge Refuge, known for his friendly nature. (English)
  13. Hydrochoerus: The scientific name for capybaras – because every capybara is famous in their own way! (Greek)
  14. Chillbo Baggins: A famous capybara name from the online capybara meme community. (English)
  15. Capyboppy: The capybara from the book “Capyboppy” by Bill Peet. The book tells the story of Peet’s family and their pet capybara. (English)

Caplin Rous

Caplin Rous is undoubtedly one of the most famous capybaras, adored worldwide. Let’s look at 15 names inspired by Caplin’s captivating charm and demeanor:

  1. Caplin: “One who possesses ability” (Latin) – After the beloved Caplin Rous himself.
  2. Rous: “Famous, bright” (English) – The iconic surname of Caplin.
  3. Charm: “Attraction, appeal” (English) – To signify Caplin’s endearing charm.
  4. Star: “Luminous celestial body” (English) – For your capybara, who shines as brightly as Caplin did.
  5. Socialite: “Person who is well known in fashionable society” (English) – Just like Caplin, famous in the online community.
  6. Rascal: “Mischievous person or animal” (English) – To embody the playful nature Caplin often showed.
  7. Jester: “One who jests or jokes” (English) – For a capybara as amusing as Caplin.
  8. Paddler: “One who rows a boat” (English) – Caplin was known for his love of water.
  9. Splash: “Sound made by something striking or falling into liquid” (English) – Ideal for a water-loving capybara like Caplin.
  10. Swimmer: “One who swims” (English) – To honor Caplin’s swimming skills.
  11. Luminary: “Person who inspires or influences others” (English) – Just like Caplin who touched so many lives.
  12. Radiant: “Shining, bright” (English) – For a capybara who shines as brightly as Caplin.
  13. Snuggler: “One who cuddles affectionately” (English) – Caplin was known for his love of cuddles.
  14. Joyous: “Full of happiness and joy” (English) – Reflects the joy Caplin brought to his fans.
  15. Legacy: “Inheritance, heritage” (English) – A tribute to the legacy Caplin Rous left behind.


Kapibara-san is a much-loved character in Japan, based on the capybara. Let’s dive into 15 names inspired by this cute, endearing mascot:

  1. Kapibara: “Capybara” (Japanese) – In honor of the famous Kapibara-san.
  2. San: “Mr./Ms.” (Japanese) – A polite honorific in Japan, as used in “Kapibara-san”.
  3. Kawaii: “Cute” (Japanese) – A fitting name for any adorable capybara.
  4. Chibi: “Small or short person” (Japanese) – Reflects the cute, small stature of the Kapibara-san character.
  5. Yuki: “Snow” (Japanese) – For a capybara as pure and enchanting as snow, like Kapibara-san.
  6. Momo: “Peach” (Japanese) – Symbolizes the sweetness and charm of your capybara.
  7. Tofu: “Bean curd” (Japanese) – Reflects the soft and gentle nature of your capybara, just like Kapibara-san.
  8. Sakura: “Cherry blossom” (Japanese) – Just like the blossoms, your capybara brings beauty and joy.
  9. Hoshi: “Star” (Japanese) – For a capybara who shines brightly like a star.
  10. Ami: “Friend” (Japanese) – A fitting name for your friendly capybara.
  11. Mochi: “Japanese rice cake” (Japanese) – For a capybara as delightful as this Japanese treat.
  12. Yume: “Dream” (Japanese) – For a capybara that’s as dreamy and charming as Kapibara-san.
  13. Neko: “Cat” (Japanese) – For a capybara with the relaxing presence of a purring cat.
  14. Hanabi: “Fireworks” (Japanese) – Reflects the sparkling joy your capybara brings.
  15. Kokoro: “Heart” (Japanese) – For a capybara who has a special place in your heart, just like Kapibara-san.

Funny Capybara Names

Picking a hilarious name for your capybara can add an extra dose of fun to your bond. Here are 15 names that are sure to keep you smiling every time you call your capybara!

  1. Biggie Smalls: A paradoxical name inspired by the famous rapper, perfect for the world’s largest rodent! (English)
  2. Rodent Eastwood: A play on words referencing actor Clint Eastwood. For a capybara with a movie star attitude. (English)
  3. Chewbacca: Named after the Star Wars character, because capybaras are the “wookiees” of the animal kingdom. (English)
  4. Capybarista: For a capybara who loves to frolic in the water as much as a barista loves coffee. (English)
  5. Sir Poopsalot: Because, well, capybaras do poop quite a bit! (English)
  6. Marlon Brando: Named after the famous actor, perfect for a capybara with a big personality. (English)
  7. Furry McFurFace: An endearing, playful name for a furry capybara. (English)
  8. Hairy Potter: A pun on Harry Potter, for capybaras with a magical charm. (English)
  9. Fluffernutter: A whimsical name for a capybara, as fluffy and sweet as the marshmallow sandwich spread! (English)
  10. Sir Squeaks-a-Lot: Because capybaras are known for their variety of vocalizations. (English)
  11. Cappuccino: A pun on the name Capybara and the coffee Cappuccino. Ideal for a capybara with a creamy brown fur. (Italian)
  12. Nibbles: A playful name for a capybara who loves their food. (English)
  13. Waddles: For a capybara with a cute waddle. (English)
  14. Sofa Loafa: A playful name for a capybara who loves to lounge around. (English)
  15. Whiskerus Maximus: A pun on the capybara’s whiskers and the Latin phrase “Gluteus Maximus”. Perfect for a capybara with prominent whiskers! (Latin/English)

Capybara Names FAQ

What are other names for a capybara?

Capybara is the most common term for this large, semi-aquatic rodent, but it also has a few other names. It’s known scientifically as Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. In various regions, it might be referred to as a “water pig” or “water hog”. In its native South America, it has different names in various languages, including “carpincho” in Spanish and “capivara” in Portuguese.

What do you call a baby capybara?

A baby capybara is typically referred to as a “pup.” Female capybaras can give birth to a litter of four to five pups after a gestation period of around 130 to 150 days. These pups are well-developed at birth, with their eyes open, and they can run and swim within hours of being born.

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